You are right about their philosophy. Spending cuts were necessary,(wrongly dubbed austerity) but, typically, they fell on the poorest, weakest section of society. Did Tories realise how just many families would be pushed into poverty, or did they just not care? Baffles me...why would anybody, whatever their philosophy, produce a society as seemingly uncaring as we now are?To be fair he's a Tory and that is what they believe in. It's a very mean spirited philosophy but expecting any of them to be different is a waste of time.
Perhaps they should just give it to Ken Clarke on a temporary basis.
The bedroom tax sums it up.....move to a smaller house or pay a premium.....ok, where are the smaller social houses?
PS Edit. I'm mad as hell, and I just can't take it any more. Never been so angry at politics. Hungry children, what a disgrace.
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