
sonnymancity said:
danburge82 said:
Last season:
Samir created 78 chances for teammates. That was 6th best in the Prem and second best at City (David was the best City player in this stat and was 1st in Prem with 104).
Samir had a pass accuracy of 91%. That was 9th best in Prem and second best at City (Nigel was best at City with 92.3% and was 4th in Prem).

I don't see how Nasri slows things down. If anything he keeps things rolling nicely. He's always available for a pass and doesn't give it away.

that doesnt make him quick and high tempo. If anything high passing percentage says the opposite (with some exceptions of course). The highest passing accuracy percentage tend to go to CB's and DM's who pass slowly and have time on the ball such as Ashley Wiliams, Carrick, NDJ etc. Those who have lower percentages play more risky passes and more high tempo, one touch passes. An the comment about chances supports exactly what I said that his does have an intelligent, creative spark.

I think you have miss understood the stats here. DMs and CDs have high passing stats because they play in areas of lower pressure and pass mostly conservatively. That assumption is correct on your part. But whena player who plays in a high pressure area, compares favorably with CDs and DMs, such as the case oftenis with Nasri, then he conclusion is that he is exceptional with his decision making matrix. SO much so, that his stats, suggests he plays somewhere else.

Nasri for my money moves better off the ball than any player in the premiership. His decision making is also fantastic. He keeps it simple because he gets it at a cerebral level beyond most. You succeed with your movement, and passing not your dribble.

That said, with the reemerging Silva, it is hard to find a position for him, unless you play one striker. Which personally I believe we should be doing. I'd rather just start 1 striker and bring in 2 others if needed. But with4 great strikers, Mancini seems forced to start 2. A nice problem to have.

And there is nothing sillier than the notion we play slow or worse with Nasri. It is simply false!
When Silva isn't in form Nasri seems to be alot more effective for the team as a whole, sometimes I feel that when they play together they drift into the same sort of areas which can be great for abit of quick passing play to get around the defence but means that the only way to switch play if we need to is to go backwards or thump it over and hope the fullback can get on the end of it. Sometimes it has been really effective though.
Like a few others, he needs to play to find his best form. He could do with being a bit more positive but, as others have said, his ability to slow the game down and keep posession is a very useful asset.
A wonderful footballer, who we are very blessed to have in squad.

Should he play every game, no he shouldnt, nobody should. Mancini picks teams according to who we play and propbably takes into account the fitness levels/injury status/travelling time/tiredness into account as we have a dept that monitors that.

The days of the best eleven are over, we have a great squad and they all at some point will play there part.
Dax777 said:
sonnymancity said:
danburge82 said:
Last season:
Samir created 78 chances for teammates. That was 6th best in the Prem and second best at City (David was the best City player in this stat and was 1st in Prem with 104).
Samir had a pass accuracy of 91%. That was 9th best in Prem and second best at City (Nigel was best at City with 92.3% and was 4th in Prem).

I don't see how Nasri slows things down. If anything he keeps things rolling nicely. He's always available for a pass and doesn't give it away.

that doesnt make him quick and high tempo. If anything high passing percentage says the opposite (with some exceptions of course). The highest passing accuracy percentage tend to go to CB's and DM's who pass slowly and have time on the ball such as Ashley Wiliams, Carrick, NDJ etc. Those who have lower percentages play more risky passes and more high tempo, one touch passes. An the comment about chances supports exactly what I said that his does have an intelligent, creative spark.

I think you have miss understood the stats here. DMs and CDs have high passing stats because they play in areas of lower pressure and pass mostly conservatively. That assumption is correct on your part. But whena player who plays in a high pressure area, compares favorably with CDs and DMs, such as the case oftenis with Nasri, then he conclusion is that he is exceptional with his decision making matrix. SO much so, that his stats, suggests he plays somewhere else.

Nasri for my money moves better off the ball than any player in the premiership. His decision making is also fantastic. He keeps it simple because he gets it at a cerebral level beyond most. You succeed with your movement, and passing not your dribble.

That said, with the reemerging Silva, it is hard to find a position for him, unless you play one striker. Which personally I believe we should be doing. I'd rather just start 1 striker and bring in 2 others if needed. But with4 great strikers, Mancini seems forced to start 2. A nice problem to have.

And there is nothing sillier than the notion we play slow or worse with Nasri. It is simply false!

your right, his decision making and movement is excellent therefore he is a master at retaining possession. My argument is similar to that of the one people have over players like Barry or Carrick. I know it isnt a completely comparable situation as theyre totally different players to Nasri but if you play the easy pass, take more touches and play at a slower pace, you are going to retain the ball more. This is great at times in certain matches but i feel like in some games we need a winger that will attack a full back, take a risk, a gamble and may lose the ball say 30% of the time but the other 60% will make something happen. Games are won and goals are scored by fast, one touch, high tempo moves. The longer a player like Nasri spends on the ball, the more time a team have to get back into an organised position and its like trying to break down a brick wall.
He used to dribble and score more at Arsenal, in his last Arsenal season he was like a complete attacking midfielder with about 15 goals. He seems to play a more subdued and patient style with us but I would like to see the Nasri from that season as we sometimes lack directness.
LoveCity said:
we sometimes lack directness.

So you advocate more big Sam style tactics???

Were does Nasri fit into that model?

We are at our best when we dictate tempo not force it, if you play direct chances are you will have less possesion as its easier to lose. If we lose possesion we look vulnerable, Real and Dortmund both had the ability to starve us of possesion. Not many teams do.

Nasri has to fit into our way of playing, not the other way round, in my opinion he does it well when he is needed.
Rascal said:
LoveCity said:
we sometimes lack directness.

So you advocate more big Sam style tactics???

I think we have different ways of interpreting the word directness. Hazard is a direct player (and Mancini wanted him), Nasri used to be a bit more direct, and what I meant is sometimes we could use a player like that when we are struggling (as we did have done many times on the road).
Can count the number of decent games he's had for us on one hand.

Big disappointment, imo.

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