Sanchez [Continued]

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I think initially he was played as a winger, but a his reputation has grown, so has his position change. He is just like Messi, who was played as a winger when he first brokeinto the Barca team. Now he is played as a bonafied striker (i.e. a false 9)

Cheers for the update, so he was Tevez's replacement. Pity I would have liked us to sign Mata.
City Raider said:
LoveCity said:
City Raider said:
the top players will hate missing the big games

Barca tired a lot in the last third of the season just gone, you could see their energy levels drop in many games and they were held to some surprising draws and even lost a game or two. They had so little to call on from the bench whereas now they will be able to rotate a lot more easily and dominate with even more ease (ie. Xavi/Iniesta/Pedro off, Fabregas/Thiago/Sanchez on). Scary.

you're right but it doesn't mean they'll be happy about it, i may be wrong but i'll be surprised if they're all there at start of season

It will be a good thing. They'll all have to work harder in training and in a match to earn their start.
The deal is still alive, we can still sign him, he will go to the highest bidder, honestly!
If its really *just* 26m then I'd be amazed. All this talk of 40m euro plus was just that, talk.

Not a bad buy for 26m euro in that case.
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