SAS Rogue Heroes

What a load of confected made up load of bollocks. The only accuracies I could discern were the location and the names of the main protagonists.
The 3 part documentary 'Rogue Warriors is the one to watch.
I was going to watch this until I saw the BBC adverts over the last week or so. They put me off. I may be wrong but it looks like a case of style over substance, which you’d think a story like this doesn’t need.

And now I find there’s a “punk and rock” soundtrack. What the hell were the BBC thinking?
I've not seen this, but the problem with these SAS documentaries and books is they, by definition, can't really contain any interesting insider info on the SAS as members of the SAS need to sign the official secrets act.

I read celebrity former SAS solder Jason Fox's book during lockdown and went to his talk in Stockport earlier this year.

Both kind of fun but no juicy insider knowledge of the SAS really.
I've not seen this, but the problem with these SAS documentaries and books is they, by definition, can't really contain any interesting insider info on the SAS as members of the SAS need to sign the official secrets act.
It's not a documentary, it's a bbc drama series, "based" on the birth of the SAS in Africa in WW2.
I think people need to watch it as an entertainment show and not some fact based history program.
I agree, that's exactly how we looked at it, we watched 2 episodes last night on iPlayer, didn't think much of the first episode as it was just setting the scene, and a bit bitty, but the second was much better, as the group was properly formed and the story developed.
I’ve read the book (and I’m not a reader at all) and watched the documentary. Both very good.

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I’ve not watched the dramatised series yet. I was hoping it was going to be like Band of Brothers and The Pacific. I take it it’s not?
I’ve just looked at my book this morning and it isn’t this one^

It’s this one…


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