Save Our Dave Campaign: #SOD

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Re: Save Our Dave Campaign: SOD

Look lads (and lasses); this is actually getting quite worrying now. Leaving out purely selfish motives (benefitting City), we need them to (at least) get a draw at the new library on wednesday night as there is a serious concern that they could sack ''wee Davey''™ otherwise. We need the vermin to win a few games now, to avoid the doomsday scenario.
Re: Save Our Dave Campaign: SOD

This campaign is in danger of collapsing if this kind of abject shite keeps occurring. Here we all are hoping and praying that the ginger **** can at least get this right and what does he do? Plays against the worst team in the league, uses two of the best strikers as contestants for headless chicken impersonator of the year, and crossed from the edge of the pitch so often, and with such futility, that no fucker in the pub I was in could be bothered watching.
I've had a regular pop over to the Caf, of late, and I'm not so sure we can garner much support in the near future; the most rabid and swivel-eyed of the Rags want Gollum offed before the Old Trafford tea lady has remembered if he takes sugar or not.Then there is is the wide-eyed innocent 32 year old type from every fucking point on the compass bar Antarctica, sitting on the fence in deference to their elders and betters.
Finally, there is the remaining 50%, or so with a collective IQ that may just shade an 11 plus, supporting him. This is the demographic we must target.
Marketing and PR experts take note.

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