Save Our Dave Campaign: #SOD

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Re: Save Our Dave Campaign: SOD

jimharri said:
Look lads (and lasses); this is actually getting quite worrying now. Leaving out purely selfish motives (benefitting City), we need them to (at least) get a draw at the new library on wednesday night as there is a serious concern that they could sack ''wee Davey''™ otherwise. We need the vermin to win a few games now, to avoid the doomsday scenario.

Hopefully they win on Wednesday for two big reasons. Davey gets to keep up the good work he has been doing, and also does us a favour too by beating arsenal.
Re: Save Our Dave Campaign: SOD

mcfc_ms said:
jimharri said:
Look lads (and lasses); this is actually getting quite worrying now. Leaving out purely selfish motives (benefitting City), we need them to (at least) get a draw at the new library on wednesday night as there is a serious concern that they could sack ''wee Davey''™ otherwise. We need the vermin to win a few games now, to avoid the doomsday scenario.

Hopefully they win on Wednesday for two big reasons. Davey gets to keep up the good work he has been doing, and also does us a favour too by beating arsenal.

Can you really see them winning or even gaining a point at the Emirates?

The only upside of that match will be the fact their supporters won't have far to travel home after a midweek match.

Re: Save Our Dave Campaign: SOD

Posted this in the Rag thread but its worth going in here. I reckon its safe to say he`ll be here all season. But he might be gone by next season.

zandvoort blue said:
They will not sack Moyes. He will be on a performance related contract based on where they are at the end of each season. If he doesn`t meet the targets set then he will be gone on a reduced compensatory arrangement in the summer. If they sack him now then they will be in breach of contract and would have to pay up the remainder of his mega-deal contract.
Re: Save Our Dave Campaign: SOD

Stoned Rose said:
Weirdly I fancy the scum to do arsenal.

It's got rvp all over it.

Wouldn't surprise me, and it's the result we should want really. Top four is a huge ask for them and if we only have to worry about Chelsea all the better for us.
Re: Save Our Dave Campaign: SOD

andyhinch said:
I'm fighting the good fight over on the cafe, their not happy campers:)
Keep up the sterling work young sir!<br /><br />-- Sun Feb 09, 2014 8:12 pm --<br /><br />
andyhinch said:
I'm fighting the good fight over on the cafe, their not happy campers:)
Keep up the sterling work young sir!
Re: Save Our Dave Campaign: SOD

zandvoort blue said:
Posted this in the Rag thread but its worth going in here. I reckon its safe to say he`ll be here all season. But he might be gone by next season.

zandvoort blue said:
They will not sack Moyes. He will be on a performance related contract based on where they are at the end of each season. If he doesn`t meet the targets set then he will be gone on a reduced compensatory arrangement in the summer. If they sack him now then they will be in breach of contract and would have to pay up the remainder of his mega-deal contract.

Good point. We didn't sack Roberto until after the Cup Final was lost, the PL was lost & CL football was secured.
A proper "end of season" review could then take place. The OS site said that he had failed to meet any of his targets apart from
CL qualification. So Davy is probably safe until United go out of the CL (in a few weeks) and mathematically fall to reach the
top 4 (a few weeks later). So we can have a laugh for a while yet ...
Re: Save Our Dave Campaign: SOD

It really depends on the next few games if it looks like they are going into free fall he will be gone, other than that he limps on to the end of the season, I doubt he will be there next season
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