And what time do you think is reasonable to do that, when labour changed public sector pensions in 2006 they gave 10 years notice that people would go onto a new scheme in 2015/16, however the tories then fucked this up by tapering it on age and many years later lost in court on age discrimination. For me if we hadn’t won it affected me massively or would’ve done had we nit beat the tories in court. I had planned to use my lump sum to pay off my mortgage as long as I could do that I was happy, if the changes had stayed I would’ve been royally fucked. You can’t just turn round this year and say to people we are taxing your lump sum it has to be a significant amount of time given.
For those saying you are better off not taking it and leaving it in your annual pension, bollocks, any finace person will tell you take the tax free as much as you can you could drop dead the next day and your family would see no benefit at all.