Scottish independence

ayrshire_blue said:
Blue Hefner said:
If they vote 'yes' when do they actually become independent? How long is the transition period to sort things out?

2016 (I think March of that year).

Passports won't be needed, as is the case between Ireland and Northern Ireland/IOM and mainland UK etc.

And we'll use the £.
Of course you'll use the £ but that's not sustainable in the long term.
If you get into Europe then it's the euro, otherwise you'll have to get your own currency backed by your own National Bank.
now we apparently have to offer even more concessions if they vote No

like they don't get enough through the Barnett formula already

I hoped they would vote to stay in but now I think they should just fuck off

they're trying to hold us over a barrel

fuck that

no doubt we'll be fighting again within a century or two
Theres no coming back from this no matter what the result. If they vote yes the ill feeling will just increase between the two countries and if they vote no there will still be ill feeling between the two countries and the issue will just boil until they have another vote a few years later. Basically they are going to end up independent at some point because the history between Scotland and England is so heated.
RandomJ said:
Theres no coming back from this no matter what the result. If they vote yes the ill feeling will just increase between the two countries and if they vote no there will still be ill feeling between the two countries and the issue will just boil until they have another vote a few years later. Basically they are going to end up independent at some point because the history between Scotland and England is so heated.

There should be no ill feeling mate

I dont blame the jocks for wanting to be independent, how can anybody 'blame' them for wanting to be in control of themselves as a nation ?
nimrod said:
RandomJ said:
Theres no coming back from this no matter what the result. If they vote yes the ill feeling will just increase between the two countries and if they vote no there will still be ill feeling between the two countries and the issue will just boil until they have another vote a few years later. Basically they are going to end up independent at some point because the history between Scotland and England is so heated.

There should be no ill feeling mate

I dont blame the jocks for wanting to be independent, how can anybody 'blame' them for wanting to be in control of themselves as a nation ?

Because of the long and bloody history between the two countries. Everyone is brought up with some form of prejudice about the Scotts or English. I agree if they want to go it alone they should be allowed but you need only look at the Andy Murray situation to see how quickly people froth at the mouth over the whole England vs Scotland thing and independence will just make it worse.
nimrod said:
RandomJ said:
Theres no coming back from this no matter what the result. If they vote yes the ill feeling will just increase between the two countries and if they vote no there will still be ill feeling between the two countries and the issue will just boil until they have another vote a few years later. Basically they are going to end up independent at some point because the history between Scotland and England is so heated.

There should be no ill feeling mate

I dont blame the jocks for wanting to be independent, how can anybody 'blame' them for wanting to be in control of themselves as a nation ?

highlands/ edinburgh/ glasgae for starters

oh happy nation

no divisions there ;-)
What nimrod says.

There is no ill feeling towards England or it's people - even those in London and the South East who, from up here, seem to get the preferential treatment.

Any ill feeling up here is strictly aimed towards Westminster; the Tory party who royally shaft us at every opportunity and the Labour party who have abandoned their morals and are shamefully almost as far right as the Tories on occasion.

Please never mistake what Scotland wants with having any ill feeling towards English people. If anyone ever told me that was a reason for them voting yes - and I've not met anyone like that yet - I'd not so kindly tell them to grow the fuck up.

P.s. there are plenty who will get wound up over the Andy Murray stuff or Scotland/England football but - and I hate to use the word - but 99.99% of it is "banter" and friendly banter at that.

Aside from the odd dick head on either side, I think the relationship between the countries have came on leaps and bounds certainly duringmy generation.
Balti said:
now we apparently have to offer even more concessions if they vote No

like they don't get enough through the Barnett formula already

I hoped they would vote to stay in but now I think they should just fuck off

they're trying to hold us over a barrel

fuck that

no doubt we'll be fighting again within a century or two

Can't wait for the arguments about Berwick if they get independence.
How strange this idea that Scotland declares independence and suddenly there will be economically disruptive conflict between Scotland and rUK.

The US and Canada are each other's largest trading partners. Somehow we get along just fine without a union. There won't be a conflict between rUK and Scotland unless one of your parliaments desires conflict for vindictive reasons.
having followed the debate, in the media and on here, I still cannot see why the torys oppose the 'YES' vote so vehemently. All they offer is conjecture and supposition. A yes vote would definitely damage labour, that's what makes it all the more confusing.
Osborne blatantly trying to buy ''No'' votes shows how desperate they have become. Maybe what is behind the campaign will be revealed, after the vote.

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