Scottish independence

Ban-jani said:
Hart of the matter said:
Spent last night on a train with a load of Scottish lads swearing, drinking, hassling women. I think I have changed my mind about independence. It is now a Yes from me!

So you judge 5 million people living in Scotland and the millions more living in England on the actions of a handful of drunks on a train.

Well done you.

Have you ever caught the London to Scotland train on a Friday evening? Even the crew hate that run. Not just a handful either. Before you get too high and mighty and bothered by stereo typing - it was a light hearted quip.
Ifwecouldjust....... said:
Currency Union or we default on the debt
Independence or as much Devolution as you will give us whilst in panic mode

Default on the debt and we veto your membership of the EU.
Demand the removal of Trident and we veto your membership of NATO.
As a member of nothing post independence you really aren't in a position to threaten anybody.
Start "dictating terms" to rUK and it will get really, really nasty.
Sod the important questions about currency, passports, NHS and etc... I want to know if Scotland get to enter their own singer for the Eurovision Song Contest?
Is the Union now an anachronism - last vestiges of empire and all that guff?
Scottish lads from our firm are voting yes cos they hate us,they cudnae give a fuck about the economy,i wonder if they will when it all goes tits up.i can see them going the way of some of the old eastern bloc countries
blueinsa said:
Are the SNP capable of doing anything other than claiming intimidation and scaremongering?

Different opinions Mr Salmond and instead of bleating how you patriotic Scots are being picked on, maybe just come out with a few answers to some very serious questions that are being raised instead of sarcastically claiming you clan do whatever you want with things that are obviously not going to be under your control.
my daughter and her husband and the little un have been home for the weekend live in glasgow ,she said she has never been so pleased to see he welcome to england board on the motorway says its very intimidating there at the moment

The big argument is that Scotland does not need to be permanently yoked to English Toryism's infatuation with a libertarianism that denies obligations to society and each other, has abandoned justice and equity in its public policy positions and is the author of the great "cashing out" of the past 30 years. All our utilities, five million council houses, many of our great companies and swaths of real estate in our cities have been cashed out in the name of market forces, of liberalisation, of being open for business and wealth generation. What has been created is predator capitalism, massive inequality and a society organised to benefit the top 1%. The country needs to build, innovate and reinvent social partnership. Independent Scotland can strike out in this direction.
Ban-jani said:
aguero93:20 said:
Ban-jani said:
I already have, you don't appear to be illiterate so I'll give you the opportunity to read my posts again, if you're still struggling then I'll reiterate it for you.
You pointed out that we have a lower average wage than the UK, you haven't shown me anything to suggest that we are equal to or worse off compared to pre1921.

That's not what we are discussing though is it? You said you have a more improved living standard than the rest of the UK, not you have a more improved living standard since you left the UK.

But you're aware of that, you're now trying to deflect the argument because you have realised you're wrong.
aguero93:20 said:
In what way is it strange? Do you have any idea how much living standards have improved here compared to the rest of the UK in the last century?
Maybe you need to read what I posted again, you clown.
blueinsa said:
Are the SNP capable of doing anything other than claiming intimidation and scaremongering?

Different opinions Mr Salmond and instead of bleating how you patriotic Scots are being picked on, maybe just come out with a few answers to some very serious questions that are being raised instead of sarcastically claiming you clan do whatever you want with things that are obviously not going to be under your control.

Firstly, let's clear this up.

If you are told by a NO voter that they are indeed a NO voter one of the first arguments they make is ' now I am as Scottish as the next person'. I have NEVER heard a single YES person say ' you aren't Scottish if you vote NO. Now that's not to say they aren't out there doing it, but for you to say that we yes folks are claiming NO are not Scottish is misinformed rubbish.

Second. The YES campaign has answered all things asked of them. They have answered their plans for currency. They have answered their plans for the EU. They have answered their plans for NATO. How many times do these questions need to be answered? And asked again?

The only one guarantee that we have, however, is that we will be self determined. We won't have to deal with Westminster governments dictating how much of our own money we get to spend. Telling us we have to go into illegal wars that don't concern us.

I see someone mentioned about trident and of we get rid of it. See the thing is we don't like paying £600,000.00 per day on a deterrent. We'd rather spend that money elsewhere.

The YES campaign is obviously well and truly misrepresented in the RUK, I don't even have to read half the none sensical Zimbabwe comments on here to realise that the things you guys are hearing down there is rubbish, we get it as well up here. The mass media is to be accepted as fact at your own peril, not directing this at you in particular but some on this thread seem well and truly misguided.

What benefits do we have staying part of the union? More of the same? We claim bullying and scare tactics as that is exactly as it comes across. The three leaders don't take an interest at all until the poll switches and then suddenly they are up here offering us a timeline, a TIMELINE, for 'Devo Max'. It's laughable.

Devo max was an original part of the ballot paper that a certain mr cameron refused to accept as he knew it would have went through. So suddenly with a week to go, they come up with this brilliant idea, how about we offer them Devo max. Although what we will actually do is offer a timeline for devolved powers that have not been clarified. Which BTW is bending the rules as postal votes have already went in after they appeared up here.

The YES campaign is to be taken very seriously, as we may well be waking up on Thursday as not friends and fellow country men but just friends.
Not that it really matters but here are some things that the mass media fail to mention regularly for those of you that want to read it.
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