Scruffy City!!

You know what chaps, it does matter they are all ambassadors of Manchester City Football Club, so as a bear minimum should wear official (and no doubt f'kin club sponsored) attire when they are representing OUR club, both at home and abroad!

A uniform by definition portrays unity and togetherness, together with pride in what they do!

Of course, the results (Especially tonight) are the most important things, but is it really asking too much for them to go out and make us proud, even with their dress code and like I said, unless things have changed recently, this is all provided by the club and therefore the wearing of a club suit, with matching shirts and ties should be mandatory!! - shame on you Mr Hughes....the example is there for all to see....a certain Mr Given!!

As for them being cold (FFS!) they are more than likely flying the equivalent of business class, on a specially chartered plan pampering for all their personal needs and landing in just an hour or so after leaving the 'warm climate of sunny Manchester and most certainly picked up immediately by a first class air-conditioned coach with enough room to seat 3 times as many......yeah right, just like all my business trips!

Still, a win and we will forgive this indiscretion for now.....until the next time, sort it and fast Hughes!

maxflicity said:
Richard said:
Dubai Blue said:
I'm afraid those of you who think that this doesn't matter are quite simply wrong. They are representing OUR football club and some of them don't seem to give a shit. Look professional and you will feel professional.

This is the sort of behaviour I'd expect from rebellious 16 year olds at school, not highly-paid, fully-grown men. It's frankly quite pathetic that SWP and Robinho can't just wear a fucking suit without feeling the need to "accessorise" it and look like complete dicks in the process. Shay Given must be wondering what he's joined when he turns up and sees this blatant flouting of club rules.

Unfortunately, just goes to show what a bunch of fucking idiots a lot of young footballers are nowadays. Hooded tops under suit jackets? White trainers with a suit? Untucked shirt with a suit? Refusing to wear a tie when everyone else is? It's pathetic.

What he said

What he said is a pile of bollox......where is it written that the rules of normal society work in the fantasy world that is professional football. Men who wear suits (and I admit that I am one of them) have a shite reputation with the average man on our streets in the UK right dont be blinded by the light of whats on the wrapper...its whats in the tin that matters.

Sorry about the mixed metafors here but you get my drift.
You wear a suit to work yet think a 'metaphor' is a 'metafor'?

OK, fair enough, you're entitled to your opinion, but like I said in my original post, you're wrong.
Dubai Blue said:
OK, fair enough, you're entitled to your opinion, but like I said in my original post, you're wrong.

That's cleared that one up, then. Might as well lock the thread.
There are two options here, imo-

Do it, and do it properly (eg Shay Given there). We know they all understand what it is to have a dress code because they all went to the christmas party dressed totally in white

Don't do it, turn up smart cazhe(sp?). Jeans, trainers, whatervers comfy and keeps em warm.

One of the two. Get them all doing it. I don't care which. The half-arsed middle ground does them as individuals, and the club, no favours.
BlueSam said:
i think this really matters

we want professionalism throughout,

you dont see cristiano ronaldo wearing a fuckin duffer jacket,
Not having a go mate but,can anyone please dig out the article about Ronaldo bursting through some double doors of a very sombre Man Utd function in memoriaum of the 1958 plane crash.Rooney was struggling to give a speech whereas Ronaldo just wanted Rooney to hurry up so he could accompany him on the piss,Ronaldo wore a white shirt an dripped denims apparently and was tapping his wristwatch agitatedly
white and gold city suits should be made for them
with big dollar signs on the back ;)
They're being payed to play football. It's not a sodding fashion show for Christ's sake. I couldn't care less if Ireland or whoever turned up in hippy clothes to be honest, as long as they perform on the pitch I'll overlook their fashion sense.
100 % agree that they should wear their official club suits/track suits or whatever attire they have been instructed to wear. They are a team that is representing our great club & should dress as such. Just to address the fucking idiots who say that what they wear shouldn't affect the way they perform their duties - does this also apply to their football kit during the game? After all, wearing a different kit to the rest of your fellow workers won't affect their performance will it? The only "optional accessory" that they have now are their boots - here's a radical idea - let's give them the option to wear fucking sandals or flip flops if they want (or whatever is "cool or gangsta or anti-establishment" at the moment). These idiots are missing the point of why they should dress smartly in club attire - for the same reason you don't turn up to the away games pissed out of your head - you're promoting our club & have a duty not to damage its image in the wider community. Oh, & if it gets a little fucking cold then put on an official fucking club coat - they seem to find the club gloves quick enough when they are playing!
CBlue said:
100 % agree that they should wear their official club suits/track suits or whatever attire they have been instructed to wear. They are a team that is representing our great club & should dress as such. Just to address the fucking idiots who say that what they wear shouldn't affect the way they perform their duties - does this also apply to their football kit during the game? After all, wearing a different kit to the rest of your fellow workers won't affect their performance will it? The only "optional accessory" that they have now are their boots - here's a radical idea - let's give them the option to wear fucking sandals or flip flops if they want (or whatever is "cool or gangsta or anti-establishment" at the moment). These idiots are missing the point of why they should dress smartly in club attire - for the same reason you don't turn up to the away games pissed out of your head - you're promoting our club & have a duty not to damage its image in the wider community. Oh, & if it gets a little fucking cold then put on an official fucking club coat - they seem to find the club gloves quick enough when they are playing!

Agreed - I wear a shirt and tie to work not because I want but because it's expected and it's part of my contract, and I earn nowhere near 20K a week!

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