Scruffy City!!

TheMightyQuinn said:
Is this how low we have sunk?

Is this Hello magazine? Heat? Ok?

Fuck me, that **** at the swamp wears womans clothes but he still wins trophies!

Some people.

He doesn't wear woman's clothes while on official business but he does win trophies whilst on official business. Therefore, according to your logic, the clothes are very important to the trophy winning.
You wear a suit to work yet think a 'metaphor' is a 'metafor'?

OK, fair enough, you're entitled to your opinion, but like I said in my original post, you're wrong.[/quote]

Again you have it about face, you confuse typing skills with intelligence, an opinion by definition is an opinion and cannot be is simply an opinion.

Oh and by the are there
The uniform is worn on the pitch.

Most people wear what they want at work these days, ties are for dinosaur companies.
i think the poster needs to fix his 'B' button on his keyboard.

and who cares what the players look like comin to work, even if they did have posh suits, they could still have shitty kecks.
Good lookin & lookin good go hand in I won't bother hahaha

But that shouldn't stop our footy team puttin on the style -they should be proud to be playing for City and should dress to impress which means

1. Wear a suit

2. Wear shoes

3. No earphones

4. Smile at people

Failure to do this is not acceptable - haha
Mike D said:

Interesting article in the mail about how the players are dressed going to the game. For me the players should all me made to take the example led my Given. The players are representing our club not going off on some piss up abroad. How many times do you see the rags traveling looking like they should be hanging around on street corners

my god! something i agree with mike d on. im only surprised he didnt end his post with hughes out though.
It's an outrage - what a scruffy sod.

Forward with Hughes -the Smart One

Mike D said:

Interesting article in the mail about how the players are dressed going to the game. For me the players should all me made to take the example led my Given. The players are representing our club not going off on some piss up abroad. How many times do you see the rags traveling looking like they should be hanging around on street corners

at the end of the day they are paid to play footy not dress up!

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