Scum Hunter Shoots Cecil the Lion

the two hunters who took the dentist there are in court and could face 15 years each for poaching, they reckon cecil had 6 cubs as part of the pride,these cubs will most probably be killed by the lion taking over the pride so the females will mate with the new pride leader. and the world turns.

Cecil was a tourist attraction because of his size and black mane fucking sad init.

it seems this dentist had already been done for unlawful killing of a black bear before,and was accused of indecent assault of a receptionist but this was settled out of court
is 14 old for a lion ? maybe it was a bit of culling , the king is dead long live the king,when people say he was enticed out of his compound ,did they open the gate ? or was he on a reserve and allowed to be hunted ?
They dragged a carcass and laid down scents to entice it out of the protected area. He had 8 cubs under two years old, so I suspect he wasn't ripe for culling. And those cubs are likely to be killed now when a new male takes over the pride. That's nature for you but it's fucking criminal that all of that will happen as a direct result of this fuckwit's behaviour.
I love how he was trying to explain himself on the news by saying if he had known that the Lion was a local Celebrity he wouldn't have killed him! Pity the Non celebrity Lion who would have got it instead!
They dragged a carcass and laid down scents to entice it out of the protected area. He had 8 cubs under two years old, so I suspect he wasn't ripe for culling. And those cubs are likely to be killed now when a new male takes over the pride. That's nature for you but it's fucking criminal that all of that will happen as a direct result of this fuckwit's behaviour.
I personally blame the "professional hunters" but in saying that why would any fucker want to destroy a creature as beautiful as Cecil
I personally blame the "professional hunters" but in saying that why would any fucker want to destroy a creature as beautiful as Cecil
Correct. They're clearly the ones to blame for how this went down, but anyone wanting to get involved in this sort of shit is also quite clearly a deranged psychopathic ****.
How anyone would want to destroy such an amazing animal is beyond my comprehension?? It breaks my heart and makes my blood boil that such evil cvnts are living amongst us.......its a very,very strange world.

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