Scum Hunter Shoots Cecil the Lion

They dragged a carcass and laid down scents to entice it out of the protected area. He had 8 cubs under two years old, so I suspect he wasn't ripe for culling. And those cubs are likely to be killed now when a new male takes over the pride. That's nature for you but it's fucking criminal that all of that will happen as a direct result of this fuckwit's behaviour.
What did that evil person get out of it ?
Its not even hunting if he's laid a track out for the lion to come to him ?
Totally pointless
I've fired a sporting rifle with a. 458 magnum bullet that was designed to take out an elephant with one shot.

I went backwards only marginally slower than the bullet went forward and it took 2 months before my shoulder stopped hurting.
You're not supposed to fire those while standing up tbf.
Good of them to put them all in one place, saves you traipsing around the countryside looking for the fuckers.

Could bag 6 or 7 in one afternoon, saving much needed petrol, so it's environmentally friendly too.
This whole episode just brings up lots of questions?

1) Why would anyone want to kill a lion?
2) Why fly all that way? There must be hundreds of lions for him to kill in the good ol US of A.
3) Why, for the love of all's that holy would he use a bow and f^&%ing arrow?
4) Why not go to Barbados, Australia even Vegas instead? Not to kill anything, just relax, have a good time, treat the wife and kids.
5) Why is it legal to kill a lion if you pay tens of thousands of dollars?
6) Why would he post numerous pictures of all the animals he has killed on facebook?
7) Why is he such a rat-faced, scum-sucking, reptile, worm-maggot, of a soulless turd?

He'll be OK though, expect a teary apology on some news channel very soon, he's already got a PR company involved. He can always move to one of the "square states" he'll be a hero there.
1) Why would anyone want to kill a lion?
For shits and giggles.
2) Why fly all that way? There must be hundreds of lions for him to kill in the good ol US of A.
There are but they're all in zoos, you can get in trouble for that sort of thing!
3) Why, for the love of all's that holy would he use a bow and f^&%ing arrow?
See answer 1
4) Why not go to Barbados, Australia even Vegas instead? Not to kill anything, just relax, have a good time, treat the wife and kids.
See answers 1 &2
5) Why is it legal to kill a lion if you pay tens of thousands of dollars?
Everything is legal if you pay enough money.
6) Why would he post numerous pictures of all the animals he has killed on facebook?
A better question would be "Why Facebook?"
7) Why is he such a rat-faced, scum-sucking, reptile, worm-maggot, of a soulless turd?
Probably a rag.

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