Season card nightmare..... HELP!!

When I read these stories my first question is why does anyone give anything to a steward such as your name, address or even the season card. Unless you are being questioned by the police for an actual offence under the law you do not have to give anyone such details.

A steward cannot take anything off you unless you give it up, they do not have the power under the law.

If ever questioned by a steward remain calm manner and ask them what the problem is, listen and argue your point calmly. If they evict you let them but do not give any details etc.

If the police are involved again remain calm and refuse to give any details or hand over any property. They need to arrest you and you need to have committed an offence under the law.
mayo31 said:
When I read these stories my first question is why does anyone give anything to a steward such as your name, address or even the season card. Unless you are being questioned by the police for an actual offence under the law you do not have to give anyone such details.

A steward cannot take anything off you unless you give it up, they do not have the power under the law.

If ever questioned by a steward remain calm manner and ask them what the problem is, listen and argue your point calmly. If they evict you let them but do not give any details etc.

If the police are involved again remain calm and refuse to give any details or hand over any property. They need to arrest you and you need to have committed an offence under the law.

I thought that, but the T&Cs seems to suggest we'd be wrong;
3.4 The Home Match Ticket will remain the property of the Club at all times and must be produced together with evidence of your identity if required to do so by any official, steward or employee of the Club or any police officer. The Club reserves the right to require the immediate return of the Home Match Ticket at any time.
My mate got a pull of the police before the FA cup game in january. This was at the gates to the car park.. not in the stadium.

This was for a bit of verbals with a mob of united who were being escorted through the car park. he was released upon payment of an 'on the spot penalty' . As you know, accepting these and paying them are not an admission of guilt, neither do the police consider it as such.

Imagine then the shock when 3 days later he receives a letter from Fletcher saying his card had been de activated. My friend wrote to Fletcher immediately saying a) It was not in the stadium and b) it was a fixed penalty... and nothing more. Fletcher said this was his discretion irrespective of the Police actions in the matter.

He missed 7 games in total, due to Fletcher delaying response tactics, 1 letter every 10 days! Why you have to write and post by royal mail in 2012 astounds me!
LeeOnePen said:
mayo31 said:
When I read these stories my first question is why does anyone give anything to a steward such as your name, address or even the season card. Unless you are being questioned by the police for an actual offence under the law you do not have to give anyone such details.

A steward cannot take anything off you unless you give it up, they do not have the power under the law.

If ever questioned by a steward remain calm manner and ask them what the problem is, listen and argue your point calmly. If they evict you let them but do not give any details etc.

If the police are involved again remain calm and refuse to give any details or hand over any property. They need to arrest you and you need to have committed an offence under the law.

I thought that, but the T&Cs seems to suggest we'd be wrong;
3.4 The Home Match Ticket will remain the property of the Club at all times and must be produced together with evidence of your identity if required to do so by any official, steward or employee of the Club or any police officer. The Club reserves the right to require the immediate return of the Home Match Ticket at any time.

Well the thing is there, that they can only evict you if you refuse. The trouble is that if they recognise you next time you come in then they can do rather more such as banning you from the ground because you're in breach of the contract you've signed up to. So you're taking a risk - but it's true they wouldn't have any legal right to demand your ticket.
charliebigspuds said:
black mamba said:
To be honest there's only a couple of home games left , so it's highly unlikely you'll get them back ....... and as they're both likely to be sell outs , they've probably sold the seats on anyway , knowing City!

Fletcher is a coward , and won't face anyone , he thinks he's untouchable ...... all you can do is appeal and try to start afresh next season , or maybe take legal proceedings to recover any losses , as Marco suggests.

This is 100% correct, Fletcher is a absolute arsehole of a man who treats everybody as if they are guilty, how the hell can every single person who gets thrown out be guilty? my mate who has never smoked once got thrown out for smoking BTW. How can they punish an 8 yo because somebody was stupid enough to use his card!? Your best bet is to take legal proceedings against the club but you may as well write off this season.
I don't know how Fletcher is still in this job, it seems he does absolutely nothing to earn his wage, it may as well be a mannequin in his office for all he seems to do, his ostrich like approach to supporters not customers SUPPORTERS is ridiculous.

what a sad tale not sure if the legal action will result in much as the 8 yr is strictly speaking under adult stewardship at the match and having coughed to the breach and handed over the cards it would be viewed as a clear admission of guilt

I'd struggle to think of any mitigation that could convince a civil claims court to accept you had lost anything as direct result of MCFCs decision to take back the cards and ban you for the breach The court would find the supervising adult responsible and if this man Fletcher is as disinterested as people say I am sure he would ask for MCFCs costs and damages so your looking at losing £500 -£770 to achieve nothing.

Having said that what about some proactivity by the Blue Moon moderators can you put something on the derby tickets thread to see if someone can come up with a junior ticket for the young lad ? Worth a try
I think a written warning would have been enough for a first offence in this circumstance. Where is your heart fletcher you cold bastard you !
Franny Lee's Barrel Chest said:
Whilst the lad will be upset, I think people are being a bit over critical in City's role in this.

Firstly, the buck stops at the brother. He is the one responsible because he tried to defraud the club by allowing an adult to use the lads card. If I can play devil's advocate, how do the club know that he won't do the same again? OR, how do the club know that he won't sell the card for a grand or something? He's been dishonest once, he can easily do it again.

Sure, the little lad angle is possibly a public interest sob story, but the press won't just print a story to try and shame the club into re activating the ticket, they'll want to know why and if they think that it's someone's own fault, then why should they print such a story? Just because you "Go to the press" doesn't mean it will be published.

Sadly we are in a blame culture in this country and it's everyone else's fault but our own. The guy should tell the lad he can't go because he was misusing his card and he's very sorry but he'll make it up to him somehow. If he hasn't got the guts to do that, why should the club bail him out?

Also, this guy getting kicked out for smoking when he doesn't smoke? Sounds a bit like someone saying they were done for speeding for doing 31mph in a 30. Doesn't happen. Likelihood is they were doing over 37 but don't want to admit it. You can tell immediately on someone's breath if they've been smoking so all a steward needs to do is talk to them and they know.

Sorry but brother is responsible. The lad isn't the first one who's had to pay for the idiotic actions of someone who should be responsible and know better, and he certainly won't be the last.

Edit: The guy should get Geoff bastard Shreeves to tell the lad.
Jonny68 said:
Right will start from the top, basically my girlfriends 8 year old son and her 28 year old brother have had their season cards confiscated for the remainder of the season at the wba game a couple of weeks back.
Having a complete nightmare trying to get them back. Well to be honest only concerned for getting her sons back as her brother thought it would be smart to use the young lads (under 16s card) for one of his mates as he couldn't make the game as he was in Ireland seeing his Dad, they got caught and the card got confiscated and my misses brother has now bin deactivated by the club which is fair enough but the young lad is heartbroken to be missing the derby it would be his first and what a derby to go to and lets be honest he is the innocent party in all this.
My girlfriend has bin down to the club and tried to speak to them but was told to email them as direct contact with Peter Fletcher is not possible, we emailed and got a reply saying that they are both suspended for the rest of the season and it was not possible for the cards to be returned as its a high security game. If anyone can help or has any advice please help us if possible the young lad is devastated. Cheers blues.

I am guessing you got no where for the Derby but I was wondering if the lad will get to see the QPR game? Not bothered about his brother but would be a real shame if he missed out on this one
Jonny68 said:
Right will start from the top, basically my girlfriends 8 year old son and her 28 year old brother have had their season cards confiscated for the remainder of the season at the wba game a couple of weeks back.
Having a complete nightmare trying to get them back. Well to be honest only concerned for getting her sons back as her brother thought it would be smart to use the young lads (under 16s card) for one of his mates as he couldn't make the game as he was in Ireland seeing his Dad, they got caught and the card got confiscated and my misses brother has now bin deactivated by the club which is fair enough but the young lad is heartbroken to be missing the derby it would be his first and what a derby to go to and lets be honest he is the innocent party in all this.
My girlfriend has bin down to the club and tried to speak to them but was told to email them as direct contact with Peter Fletcher is not possible, we emailed and got a reply saying that they are both suspended for the rest of the season and it was not possible for the cards to be returned as its a high security game. If anyone can help or has any advice please help us if possible the young lad is devastated. Cheers blues.

I haven't seen any response as to how this went but assuming that there was no shift iin Citys stance on this matter.

Can you prove this? Have you a flight/ferry ticket and confirmation emails?

It's last minute I know but maybe it'd help backing your argument up with some hard proof. Otherwise it's just a story.

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