Season card Question?

hello said:
They are very hit and miss with the upgrade and it seems to depend on who you get on the phone, as a result my 4 season tickets will more than likely be empty tomorrow as I can't justify getting the kids back at 1/2am with school the following day, and I dont think i'll risk a 3/4 hour drive to get told my ticket is invalid because I haven't brough any of my kids with me.
Assuming your in the family stand, cant you not just use the other gate at the south stand end? No one wpould even notice you weren't with your kids.

If there are two lights for adult and child/oap, what happens when its a 21 year old going in on an 18-21 ticket?
Give your mate the kids card, you go through and tell him to wait until you are standing in the stewards eye line tothe lights then get him to get in and get up the spiral asap whilst you engage the steward in small talk.... if there are no other options, its risky but may work?
kimbo said:
My 14 year old nephew has a card in the family/north stand and he sits in that stand on his own without any adults with him. Yesterday i upgraded his card for £37 to an adult with no problems.

Wait until the adult has used your nephew's ticket successfully to enter the ground before you say there were no problems.

I've upgraded in the past and the ticket simply didn't work at he turnstile. It had been downgraded to letting nobody in rather than upgraded. Luckily we were early and had time to sort the matter out.

Whenever City's ticket office get involved there is always a very good chance of a cock-up.
I think they've tightened up on this now. In the first couple of years at the stadium it was quite easy to get in on a kids ticket. I've noticed this season especially that the stewards are constantly looking at the lights as you go through the turnstile. I think you still have a chance if you're going through a spiral turnstile 2 minutes before ko when it's busy.

On a similar note, I can see there being a fair few empty seats in the North Stand tomorrow. There are alot of first time seasoncard holders in there with young kids who won't be turning up because of it being a cold, dark, school night with a 8pm ko. I know of 4 near me.
Problem solved upgraded...! After being told no the first time but it was not easy they asked me for my rangers supporter number!!!! when i said what!!they told me sorry you have come to an upgrade call centre ....and i then had to call the club again!..............and the ticket is for a big blue dennis but my sons name is alfie:)
kimbo said:
My 14 year old nephew has a card in the family/north stand and he sits in that stand on his own without any adults with him. Yesterday i upgraded his card for £37 to an adult with no problems.

I've upgraded my son's in the family stand as well £37.00
this is what you need to do if you dont want or cant upgrade. give your mate the childs ticket and you have his. you go in first and as soon as you have scanned his card pass it back discretly then go through turnstyle. so he has both cards. he uses childs card but swaps it with his own card when putting it in pocket. if the steward does grip him, he can just show his own card and say it clearly states adult
bluesmith said:
hello said:
They are very hit and miss with the upgrade and it seems to depend on who you get on the phone, as a result my 4 season tickets will more than likely be empty tomorrow as I can't justify getting the kids back at 1/2am with school the following day, and I dont think i'll risk a 3/4 hour drive to get told my ticket is invalid because I haven't brough any of my kids with me.
Assuming your in the family stand, cant you not just use the other gate at the south stand end? No one wpould even notice you weren't with your kids.

If there are two lights for adult and child/oap, what happens when its a 21 year old going in on an 18-21 ticket?

Yes I am in the familly stand, can any ground level turnstyle be used for access then or are they restricted to the ones marked on the card, never had reason to think about this before.

it seems they have dones upgrades for some and not for others, so the age old story of city ticket office being pot luck still applies.
hello said:
bluesmith said:
Assuming your in the family stand, cant you not just use the other gate at the south stand end? No one wpould even notice you weren't with your kids.

If there are two lights for adult and child/oap, what happens when its a 21 year old going in on an 18-21 ticket?

Yes I am in the familly stand, can any ground level turnstyle be used for access then or are they restricted to the ones marked on the card, never had reason to think about this before.

it seems they have dones upgrades for some and not for others, so the age old story of city ticket office being pot luck still applies.
My season ticket lets me in entrance Y and P, pretty sure it says that on my card, check yours it may have 2 entrances. Have you actually spoke to the ticket office or (as i suspect) the ticket line?

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