@Alex - City Matters as an over 65 please may I ask what the proposed phone line for over 65s is for? If it is because someone thinks we can’t handle the technology I would feel patronised. If it is to counter long queues I would feel that wasn’t fair to every other group. We are all City fans one has to queue we all have to queue. Again patronising to over 65s.
We may be getting older but we are still in the human race.
As I tell everyone when I see photos of John Boy in Gucci *faints dead away* I may be old but I ain’t dead yet.
In other words please treat us as everyone else is treated, apart from letting us have a reduced price SC because we really couldn’t afford a full price one no matter what a lot of people think. :-)
JMHO as an Over 65, a SC holder, an OSC member, a disabled member and a woman. Wow I’m well represented aren’t I ? :-)