Seasoncard Prices - 2021/22

Will reduce the prices as a gesture of "thank fuck Covid is over, we know a lot of you are skint, have a season ticket for less than usual" goodwill imho.
That would be a fantastic gesture from the club if it became a reality.
I would have to learn how to say
"Thank you Sheik Mansoor from all Manchester City fans" in Arabic.
I will renew anyway as I drift into the Old Gits prices, but I appreciate many will be forced to make some difficult choices. Maybe the club can be a bit more flexible on SeasonCards to allow legit sharing, though if it's a Test and Trace World that might be difficult, but maybe they could allow you to nominate one other person for your card so any Test and Trace would be limited to those two people. That may help with finances and choices for some fans.

That's a fair point re: Test & Trace but TBH I think that the vaccination programme should make T&T redundant. There should be no need for it if we end up with a sufficiently high enough number of the population taking the jabs.
The indication so far is that a hell of a lot of people are likely to do so.
Surely City will at the very least freeze prices for the first season back ?
Based on above inflation increases over the last decade, seemingly every year, I see no difference for when they announce renewal prices.

I hope I'm wrong, but I think as there will be a lot less global football tourism and the average football tourist seems to spend more on one trip to the club shop more than what we spend on Season tickets, then they will have to recoup income from someone...i.e us.

I expect to see more blocks of empty seats in the East Stand once the club can't sell them to ticket agencies too, again more revenue to make up.

Like I said though, really hope I'm wrong, we need a significant decrease to fill the stadium back up
Whatever price the club decide is alright by me. I feel privileged to have watched my club play the greatest football I have ever seen. I have watched City since the early 50s but the last decade is almost unbelievable and beyond my wildest dreams. Thank you Sheik Mansoor. CTID.
it's an interesting question. Lots of things will be different post-Covid. A lot of regular match-going fans might have got so used to watching on TV that they won't feel it's worth the cost to go back. On the other hand, many might be so desperate to see live games that they'd consider it worth paying a lot more than before.

From the club's point of view, the team has shown they can perform at a ridiculously high level without fans, and since matchday revenue isn't as crucial for us as it is for many others, how much will the club care about filling the ground by offering discount tickets? In the end, they'll probably just run some numbers and compare the profits from selling fewer tickets at a higher price, or more at a lower price - it is a business to them, after all.

I'd guess every club is going to be watching the others very carefully and will be paying particular attention to the fan and media reaction when the first one releases next season's ticket prices. The level of outrage or acceptance will go a long way to ultimately deciding the policy for all clubs.
We normally confirm prices and start the renewals prices in late May. This allows for card printing and they still arrive late. For that to happen plans are formulated and agreed by April I suspect. So on that timeframe it's conceivable travel and social distancing will be STILL be in place making individual seat selling for a season impossible. My guess, and I hate to be pessimistic, is that we start even next season on limited attendances at best. As for prices, God knows!

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