Seasoncard Renewals 2017/18

I'm fully against any increase in ticket costs. I believe we're already at the limit of what is acceptable, reasonable and affordable to the average person.

I've got a reasonably well paid job and I can afford my ticket no problem, but I care about those that can't. I've always been brought up with the thinking that we have to look out for our own and I'll stand by any City fan who vents their frustrations at increased ticket prices.

Some fans seem to only care about themselves and have laughed off increases as 'Well, it's only £15 a year!', but it's not about that. It's about the direction the ship is heading. We're on a staircase at the moment and at the top of that staircase are super expensive season tickets, each step we take is another step closer to the top and before you know it, time flies, and you're at the top of the stairs paying through the roof. That's why people are upset, not because of the 'low' amount of the increase, but because of the journey and direction the ticket prices are heading towards.

As a supporter it makes you feel like you're not important, that you're just a customer. When you see these mega TV deals there is absolutely no reason to increase ticket prices further. When you go to the match having paid so much money to be there, you EXPECT to be entertained, you EXPECT to win and the EXPECT to play well on each occasion, and that's hammered home by knowing that the players are on hundreds of thousands of pounds a week. That's what is killing the atmosphere in England. The expectation based on ticket prices and player wages, along with long time, local and die hard fans being slowly driven away by the cost.

The best atmosphere we've ever had at the Etihad was against Hamburg in the Europa League and it's no coincidence that the tickets for that game were a fiver each. It brought in loads of locals, people who can't usually afford it and it made people feel like they weren't just customers. Fans didn't sit on their hands demanding to be entertained because they'd paid through the roof, they came as fans having paid a nominal entrance fee and wanted to cheer the team on loudly because of that.
Well done sir
You're last two paragraphs are absolutely spot on.
I have not been affected by the ticket increase fortunately but completely agree it's not just the ticket rises individually but the whole direction of which the club is going.

More and more we see the better seats in the house being taken over by corporate groups, tunnel club, seats which were previously enjoyed by your average fan who have since been relocated. Away allocations, for the more desirable matches, dwindling to service corporate fans, boat jaunts on the Thames etc.

Even the construction of South Stand Level 3 which seemed a positive move I now view suspiciously as just the clubs way of moving those who require cheaper seats further from the action and then inflate the price of ticket they vacate to those with more disposable income.

Leaving that stand on match days is a depressing affair. Due to the lack of exits those at the back wait an age to vacate and become part of the crush on the stairway, followed by similar crushes through the fire foors and then onto the stairwells. The scenery consists of layers of plasterboard with the Fire Certificate stickers still visible as the club has not even bothered to go to the expense of a lick of paint. Contrast this to 'tunnel club' and you can see where the clubs priorities are.

The club is on a path alien to the wishes of the majority, and for me, if success comes at a cost which results in those who deserve to enjoy it being priced out it's too high a cost.
Excellent post mate.
Many of us were apprehensive when the takeover happened but lots of noises were emanating from the club at how they valued our loyal support and would look after us. This has clearly proved to be a lie. While we are all grateful for some of the wonderful football we have seen and the success since the takeover, this doesn't justify us now being treated like a commodity and taken for granted. At a time when more money is being pumped into clubs from TV companies and sponsorship than ever before they do not have to keep on banging up the cost of attending games, while bemoaning the lack of atmosphere at the same time.

There comes a saturation point in affording going to games and more importantly, in my opinion, being taken the piss out of and that is what the club appears to be doing, by faceless soulless suits looking to squeeze every penny out of already hard pressed fans. Carry on and the old fan base will disappear and with the younger fans also being priced out and alienated the club will be left with empty spaces except for the big games, when it will be full of tourist taking photographs and wearing half and half scarves. Happy days!
Funnily enough I could say the same about you. You seem determined to belittle & jump down the throat of anyone who feels there might be grounds for complaint. Works both ways that.

I don't ever accuse posters of not reading a post properly - in the way that you do. By all means disagree with opinions - that's what a forum is about - but you have to allow people to state their opinion without belittling them if you don't agree. That's the point I'm making. I have not jumped down the throats of anyone - you are just quoting what I said about you. I have merely stated my unequivocal support for the club and you don't like it.
I'm lucky. Had great jobs down the years and could afford to upgrade to Joe's or whatever if I wanted. Unfortunately I want the best atmosphere too, and THAT can't be bought. It needs people with passion, not money. The price increases are purely to make our finance spreadsheet look a bit more like the rags' or the arses' etc., when it's just not needed. The chance to be something different, unique has gone.

Difficult day for me tomorrow when I cancel both my direct debits. I hope I regret it and get that desire back, but I doubt it.
Same here
Over the years have had excellent jobs and could afford any seat in the ground. However when I've sat in corporate I've always wanted to get back to my own seat and have real atmosphere.
I'm leaving it to the Corporate Identity from now on. They can have their canapés at kick off, their foie gras at full time and their baked Alaska after the game, whilst we queue to get in, searched for our butties, talked to like shit, cant get a pint and have to give up our away tickets.
the cynic in me thinks this is what the club wants

Good point. I never agreed with the 2 tier season card (even though I do have a platinum to ensure away trips for CL etc). Perhaps club wants to do away with it.
Many of us were apprehensive when the takeover happened but lots of noises were emanating from the club at how they valued our loyal support and would look after us. This has clearly proved to be a lie. While we are all grateful for some of the wonderful football we have seen and the success since the takeover, this doesn't justify us now being treated like a commodity and taken for granted. At a time when more money is being pumped into clubs from TV companies and sponsorship than ever before they do not have to keep on banging up the cost of attending games, while bemoaning the lack of atmosphere at the same time.

There comes a saturation point in affording going to games and more importantly, in my opinion, being taken the piss out of and that is what the club appears to be doing, by faceless soulless suits looking to squeeze every penny out of already hard pressed fans. Carry on and the old fan base will disappear and with the younger fans also being priced out and alienated the club will be left with empty spaces except for the big games, when it will be full of tourist taking photographs and wearing half and half scarves. Happy days!
The club certainly do lie if it meets their business needs.
We have been affected by the tunnel. C'est la vie, but we were offered 2 tickets in 93:20 as compensation for two years so we had two years secure. Got a call last week to be told we weren't getting them and we had to look elsewhere.
Its in print in the original letter that we would get them, now they've reneged on them.
Liars and profiteers.
The club certainly do lie if it meets their business needs.
We have been affected by the tunnel. C'est la vie, but we were offered 2 tickets in 93:20 as compensation for two years so we had two years secure. Got a call last week to be told we weren't getting them and we had to look elsewhere.
Its in print in the original letter that we would get them, now they've reneged on them.
Liars and profiteers.

That is feckin disgraceful Squirty .....
My Daughter has an 18/21 card,she was 21 last December and they have put her down for a discounted season card again.
Have a missed something or is it correct?

As she will still be 21 at the start of the season then she still gets the reduced rate. Next season 2018-19 it will go to the adult price

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