And why wouldn't he? What has City done recently to show the fans they care about them????
Give Well fried Pony a load of more dosh.
Look, I can accept when I am priced out.
I can accept that there are other people out there with more money who want to watch live football.
I acknowledge that in fairness, it isn't the mist expensive thing in the world...
But for me, I've lost that connect to the club I was born into.
3mths old I went to my first City match, I was in a baby buggy.
Thats irrelevant though.
It's like me saying I first flew with Etihad Airways when I was a baby, I've flew with them all my life... Bla Bla Bla.
What I want to see, for me, isn't going to happen anytime soon.
Such as a Safe Standing area for like minded people who are happy to support the team in a way in which they display passion.
Passion is non existant now, and if you show any Showshit court you out if the stadium, and won't think twice about banning you.
Enjoy this if you like it.
It's soulless, corporate, and I feel Football at the top needs to crash in order for it to level out and become again... The game if the people.
Not for the elite to promote their Corporations, stash money in other countries and so on.
Capitalism 1 - Football 0