Season's Over For Me

Damocles said:
Soulboy said:
To be fair, do what you want.

You do anyway. You are de man...

If I did what I wanted, you would have been fucked off months ago.

You are a disgrace in your capacity as a MOD and I hope Ric has the balls to offer you an opportunity to apologise !!
If this was Jack Shit to A.N.Other,then a warning would have been given.
You should know better !!
PM if you have a concern with the response from Soulboy,not via the forum.
Shame on you,or is this the allowance given to someone in an authorative position ??
LongsightM13 said:
Damocles, separate to your role as a mod, you are normally a very good poster on here. But the last couple of weeks or so, you have been uncharacteristically aggressive and insulting to anyone who looks at you the wrong way.
I don't know why that is, shit at work or home or something, or maybe you're just as desperately disappointed in the 2011 City as I am.
One of the things I like about your Off Topic stuff is your tolerance and patience. Where has that gone? You're unrecognizable these days.
Come on fella. You're better than this.
Chill out and come back as you were a few weeks ago. This is most unlike you.

It's because I severely dislike this place now. It's either filled with agenda driven wankers, whose posts are so predictable that I'm pretty sure that I could write them myself, as well as all of the replies to them, or it's filled with a bunch of people shouting at tolmie because despite the fact that most of the mods have stood up for his info other people think they know better, or it's filled with a bunch of people who thinks the world is ending every time we drop a point, and we should sack our manager, sell all of our players and spend the remainder of the week telling everyone that we need to buy the latest starlet of FIFA or Football Manager. There's no room for discussion on here any more, because as I put in another thread before, nobody wants to hear it. This isn't a forum any more, people don't want replies to their points, this is turning into Twitter where it is all about the people who make the points rather than the points themselves.
Tolerance and patience only goes so far. It's got to the point that all I need to do know is look at the name of a thread starter and 75% of the time, I know what the thread will be.
Dave/Billy/PB start self righteous threads with their "oh so clever" persecution complexes without seeming to realise that nobody actually fucking cares. People argue with them because they are bored, not because they have something interesting to say. Shame as well, Billy seems quite decent on the PM, and PB and me have had some good debates about Israel; I just hate this whole thing that they've had going on since the late Hughes period that's continued to this day.
Bombo, PaulPowre and a few other post some intolerably kneejerk shit about how the world is caving in around us and we need to sell everyone right now.
I could go on, but I won't as I end up naming most of the forum.

Point is, discussion is dead now, sniping is all that's left. Why fight against the current any longer?
Marvin said:

Chelsea lost at St Andrews. Utd drew.

Anyone would think we got beat by this ridiculous over reaction.

Well a good sign that expectations have risen so high that the dummy gets spat when we draw away.

I feared the worst when Vieira came on as sub. He struggles against lower League opposition, but can't handle the Premiership. Unfortunate 1st half injuries cost us a valuable away win
ManCityFC said:
Tonster said:
Stunning, truly stunning. Just got back from St Andrews and thought I'd pop on. Sorry I did. Season's over for you?

Jesus, we were only discussing in the car that in my supporting lifetime (I'm 41) I have NEVER got to February and still been in one domestic and one European competition with serious chance of winning either AND be in top 3 of the top division.

40 years of underachievement and mismanagement is not put right in 12 months. I'm afraid there is no magic wand and we have no divine right to turn up and win at a place where they don't lose that many at home.

I agree it wasn't a great performance but to say this kind of statement is an over-reaction is a massive understatement.

Frankly if you truly think the season's over for you, you won't be missed at home or away.

Read the whole thread, and you will get where I am coming from. The OP was a bit suicidal, I know.

I have and although I see it has been tempered a bit throughout the thread and I also have come back tonight disappointed with the overall performance this is the kind of ridiculous over reaction that makes you sound like you have been watching City for 5 mins not 35 years. There are a few other nonsense threads apart from yours.

Everything can't change overnight, we are coming from miles behind the other clubs and it takes time to change a mentality.

But it was the phrase 'season's over for me' that i couldn't let go when we are still in 2 cups and even to be in the title race in Feb hasn't happened for well over 30 years.

I'd say that was progress wouldn't you?
Damocles said:
LongsightM13 said:
Damocles, separate to your role as a mod, you are normally a very good poster on here. But the last couple of weeks or so, you have been uncharacteristically aggressive and insulting to anyone who looks at you the wrong way.
I don't know why that is, shit at work or home or something, or maybe you're just as desperately disappointed in the 2011 City as I am.
One of the things I like about your Off Topic stuff is your tolerance and patience. Where has that gone? You're unrecognizable these days.
Come on fella. You're better than this.
Chill out and come back as you were a few weeks ago. This is most unlike you.

It's because I severely dislike this place now. It's either filled with agenda driven wankers, whose posts are so predictable that I'm pretty sure that I could write them myself, as well as all of the replies to them, or it's filled with a bunch of people shouting at tolmie because despite the fact that most of the mods have stood up for his info other people think they know better, or it's filled with a bunch of people who thinks the world is ending every time we drop a point, and we should sack our manager, sell all of our players and spend the remainder of the week telling everyone that we need to buy the latest starlet of FIFA or Football Manager. There's no room for discussion on here any more, because as I put in another thread before, nobody wants to hear it. This isn't a forum any more, people don't want replies to their points, this is turning into Twitter where it is all about the people who make the points rather than the points themselves.
Tolerance and patience only goes so far. It's got to the point that all I need to do know is look at the name of a thread starter and 75% of the time, I know what the thread will be.
Dave/Billy/PB start self righteous threads with their "oh so clever" persecution complexes without seeming to realise that nobody actually fucking cares. People argue with them because they are bored, not because they have something interesting to say. Shame as well, Billy seems quite decent on the PM, and PB and me have had some good debates about Israel; I just hate this whole thing that they've had going on since the late Hughes period that's continued to this day.
Bombo, PaulPowre and a few other post some intolerably kneejerk shit about how the world is caving in around us and we need to sell everyone right now.
I could go on, but I won't as I end up naming most of the forum.

Point is, discussion is dead now, sniping is all that's left. Why fight against the current any longer?

I disagree. Judging by what you have said, you will probably disagree with some of my posts, however, I don't see them as being 'twitter'esque or self indulgent. I want a reasoned discussion, however many people, regardless of the opinion will just give stupid responses if they don't agree with you. I expressed disappointment with a lack of ambition from the fans not so long ago, and some results; a fairly long and well presented argument. However, a Mod replied simply with 'are you a city fan, I'm not so sure.' Most other people on the thread seemed to agree with me.
waspish said:
Bunk said:
I have to question just how long some of the people who compose these threads have been supporters of this club (I’m sure they’d all claim to be life-long blues). I find it very difficult to be down on my club these days given where we’ve come from, even after the most miserable of days at the office (and today’s was a fairly bad one).

We’re in 3rd place with 13 games to play, yet we’re to believe the season is over…

Very sensible post and I agree! I have my suspicions that some of these post are not city fans the rest are under 16 who just don't understand football and haven't actually seen us when we were shite! And a result like tonight we would be partying in down!

But, but....but we've spent 100 gazillion so we have to win everything NOW!
Damocles said:
LongsightM13 said:
Damocles, separate to your role as a mod, you are normally a very good poster on here. But the last couple of weeks or so, you have been uncharacteristically aggressive and insulting to anyone who looks at you the wrong way.
I don't know why that is, shit at work or home or something, or maybe you're just as desperately disappointed in the 2011 City as I am.
One of the things I like about your Off Topic stuff is your tolerance and patience. Where has that gone? You're unrecognizable these days.
Come on fella. You're better than this.
Chill out and come back as you were a few weeks ago. This is most unlike you.

It's because I severely dislike this place now. It's either filled with agenda driven wankers, whose posts are so predictable that I'm pretty sure that I could write them myself, as well as all of the replies to them, or it's filled with a bunch of people shouting at tolmie because despite the fact that most of the mods have stood up for his info other people think they know better, or it's filled with a bunch of people who thinks the world is ending every time we drop a point, and we should sack our manager, sell all of our players and spend the remainder of the week telling everyone that we need to buy the latest starlet of FIFA or Football Manager. There's no room for discussion on here any more, because as I put in another thread before, nobody wants to hear it. This isn't a forum any more, people don't want replies to their points, this is turning into Twitter where it is all about the people who make the points rather than the points themselves.
Tolerance and patience only goes so far. It's got to the point that all I need to do know is look at the name of a thread starter and 75% of the time, I know what the thread will be.
Dave/Billy/PB start self righteous threads with their "oh so clever" persecution complexes without seeming to realise that nobody actually fucking cares. People argue with them because they are bored, not because they have something interesting to say. Shame as well, Billy seems quite decent on the PM, and PB and me have had some good debates about Israel; I just hate this whole thing that they've had going on since the late Hughes period that's continued to this day.
Bombo, PaulPowre and a few other post some intolerably kneejerk shit about how the world is caving in around us and we need to sell everyone right now.
I could go on, but I won't as I end up naming most of the forum.

Point is, discussion is dead now, sniping is all that's left. Why fight against the current any longer?

Goodbye then !!!
Tonster said:
ManCityFC said:
Read the whole thread, and you will get where I am coming from. The OP was a bit suicidal, I know.

I have and although I see it has been tempered a bit throughout the thread and I also have come back tonight disappointed with the overall performance this is the kind of ridiculous over reaction that makes you sound like you have been watching City for 5 mins not 35 years. There are a few other nonsense threads apart from yours.

Everything can't change overnight, we are coming from miles behind the other clubs and it takes time to change a mentality.

But it was the phrase 'season's over for me' that i couldn't let go when we are still in 2 cups and even to be in the title race in Feb hasn't happened for well over 30 years.

I'd say that was progress wouldn't you?

Very true, it was a bit reactionary in hindsight, I know. You just get that feeling that this is becoming a carbon copy of last season, and last season hurt more than any has since we started to slip down the tables. I guess the bar feels like it has been raised, but time is going to have to be given to clear it. It wasn't just this game that disappointed me, it was the last 6 or 7 and it feels like we always take one step forward and two back at times, but your right, I should be used to that by now.

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