Season's Over For Me

Damocles said:
ManCityFC said:
Oh, here we go, it's the thought police. Excuse me, sorry, I shall from now on only agree with topics started by mods and contribute in no other way - as opinions are banned, clearly. Good work, I should know better.

Firstly, if I wanted to ban you, you wouldn't be able to post that little nugget of crap would you?
Secondly, I was trying to point out that everybody knows that the season isn't over, even you knew it when writing that, you were just been overly dramatic and kneejerk to a draw at Birmingham with a poor performance.
Thirdly, have you actually read this fucking place tonight? If you think the 'thought police' are out, you're a blind idiot who has problems reading.

Such a bullshit post, with absolutely no idea of anything a centimetre in front of your own nose.

Has he broken the CoC?

If not, then stop threatening him with a ban... or is the CoC now just based on your opinion?

For a Mod, you're a bit of a bully...
leighton said:
The title race maybe it is now all over for that. But the Europa is there to be won and I think we will win it. Also the Cup win the replay and beat Villa and we are in the quaters of that. I honestly think we will win both of the remaining cups this year. In the Europa we will bring in the bigger hitters and those players will be lifting that trophy in Dublin.

Agree with this but Villa aren't the walk over the last time they were at COMS - we'll have to be better than tonight to beat them
Soulboy said:
Damocles said:
Firstly, if I wanted to ban you, you wouldn't be able to post that little nugget of crap would you?
Secondly, I was trying to point out that everybody knows that the season isn't over, even you knew it when writing that, you were just been overly dramatic and kneejerk to a draw at Birmingham with a poor performance.
Thirdly, have you actually read this fucking place tonight? If you think the 'thought police' are out, you're a blind idiot who has problems reading.

Such a bullshit post, with absolutely no idea of anything a centimetre in front of your own nose.

Has he broken the CoC?

If not, then stop threatening him with a ban... or is the CoC now just based on your opinion?

For a Mod, you're a bit of a bully...

Ok, should I now enforce the bit in the CoC about you giving it out to Mods, or shall I let that slide? Happy to take a warning for your principles?

Also, it isn't your job to worry about my interactions with other posters, and I'm getting pretty sick of you jumping in every two minutes with your backseat modding.

Lastly, I didn't threaten him with a ban, I asked him a direct question. If you have problems reading, then try the Early Learning Centre.
Damocles said:
Soulboy said:
Has he broken the CoC?

If not, then stop threatening him with a ban... or is the CoC now just based on your opinion?

For a Mod, you're a bit of a bully...

Ok, should I now enforce the bit in the CoC about you giving it out to Mods, or shall I let that slide? Happy to take a warning for your principles?

Also, it isn't your job to worry about my interactions with other posters, and I'm getting pretty sick of you jumping in every two minutes with your backseat modding.

Lastly, I didn't threaten him with a ban, I asked him a direct question. If you have problems reading, then try the Early Learning Centre.

To be fair, do what you want.

You do anyway. You are de man...
Soulboy said:
Damocles said:
Ok, should I now enforce the bit in the CoC about you giving it out to Mods, or shall I let that slide? Happy to take a warning for your principles?

Also, it isn't your job to worry about my interactions with other posters, and I'm getting pretty sick of you jumping in every two minutes with your backseat modding.

Lastly, I didn't threaten him with a ban, I asked him a direct question. If you have problems reading, then try the Early Learning Centre.

To be fair, do what you want.

You do anyway. You are de man...

If I did what I wanted, you would have been fucked off months ago.
Damocles said:
Soulboy said:
To be fair, do what you want.

You do anyway. You are de man...

If I did what I wanted, you would have been fucked off months ago.

What's stopping you?

Got a conscience about it?

Anyway, I'll leave it at that. You clearly only want posters on here that agree with you.
Soulboy said:
Damocles said:
If I did what I wanted, you would have been fucked off months ago.

What's stopping you?

Got a conscience about it?

Anyway, I'll leave it at that. You clearly only want posters on here that agree with you.

Yes, despite your bizarre and inane ramblings, I do actually perform a role here that has boundaries and guidelines, yet have the ability to separate my posting self from my mod self like all of the others do.

However, feel free to leave of your own volition at any time.
Damocles said:
Soulboy said:
Has he broken the CoC?

If not, then stop threatening him with a ban... or is the CoC now just based on your opinion?

For a Mod, you're a bit of a bully...

Ok, should I now enforce the bit in the CoC about you giving it out to Mods, or shall I let that slide? Happy to take a warning for your principles?

Also, it isn't your job to worry about my interactions with other posters, and I'm getting pretty sick of you jumping in every two minutes with your backseat modding.

Lastly, I didn't threaten him with a ban, I asked him a direct question. If you have problems reading, then try the Early Learning Centre.

And there are people on here telling me to lighten up? Here you go:


If you didn't agree with me then fine, make your point, that's the idea, but to threaten me with a ban (and that was exactly how I read it) because you didn't agree with me is pathetic? Also, if you read the thread and the subsequent posts you might understand what I was getting at. But let's not let detail get in the way.

Ban away if it makes you feel better. I have not threatened anyone nor really upset anyone. Just made my thoughts known. I'll not bother in future.
Come on lads far from im gutted too but season is over?? LOL

Damo is alright get off him, he does a good job round here one of the better MODS.
Damocles said:
Soulboy said:
What's stopping you?

Got a conscience about it?

Anyway, I'll leave it at that. You clearly only want posters on here that agree with you.

Yes, despite your bizarre and inane ramblings, I do actually perform a role here that has boundaries and guidelines, yet have the ability to separate my posting self from my mod self like all of the others do.

However, feel free to leave of your own volition at any time.
Hes right though , isn't he?

You throw your weight around far too much for someone who is supposed to be a moderator.

I presume you get away with it because of your programming skills

Forza fucking soulboy

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