Seat Counters - 2023/24

Add to that the difficulty just getting to the ground with the new parking restrictions, all adds up. I’m addicted and will never stop, as I suspect you are, but these price increases will have a huge impact. Hope Pep realises this next time he wonders why the home crowd isn’t as passionate as it could be. Thirty quid for away matches is fair, 77 for home games is madness
I had a SC for years but gave it up 2 seasons back. I was in FA and European cup schemes too. I go to home games when i can but I've gotten used to watching games on TV now. When i do go i appreciate watching the game more now than i did when i had a SC. I'll always love City and I'll continue to watch every game live or on TV. And because I've weened myself off the matchday fix i may even watch some games in my bivvy whilst I'm out fishing.
The club don't give shit our fanbase is changing because it's all extracting as much money out of supporters as possible and diehards are slowly being replaced by affluent tourists and that's what the club wants.

Khaldoon has said several times in his end of season speech that local supporters are important yet every season bar one they've put SCs and match tickets up. When people are struggling to meet ends meet to eat and heat their houses it's not easy to afford to attend games as tickets fuel parking food and drink have all gone up. We're making millions from trophy money, TV money advertising revenue and corporate money right now so fleecing fans should not be happening.

When our success dries up(and it will) we'll struggle to fill our stadium, especially when north stand is finished. It might suddenly dawn on them that the tickets are too high but some supporters won't be tempted back because it's easy and convenient to watch games on TV. City are playing a game which may backfire on them, i hope they take heed and listen to us.
That's assuming most matchday ticket buyers will stop going when success dries up, they won't most matchday ticket buyers a rough guess 75% are normal long term fans that are no different to any S/C holder.
That's assuming most matchday ticket buyers will stop going when success dries up, they won't most matchday ticket buyers a rough guess 75% are normal long term fans that are no different to any S/C holder.
Your rough guess may be that figure now but it will continue to get less year on year if ticket prices keep going up. I know plenty of blues who don't go anymore because a day out at a game has become too expensive. Everyone has a breaking point, more so working class blues on modest incomes that don't stretch to affording games.
Your rough guess may be that figure now but it will continue to get less year on year if ticket prices keep going up. I know plenty of blues who don't go anymore because a day out at a game has become too expensive. Everyone has a breaking point, more so working class blues on modest incomes that don't stretch to affording games.
Maybe but that's price dependent not success.As a matchday buyer it's possible I could be priced out, or go to less games. Success doesn't come into it.
With regards to price: I take 3 lads with me, none of whom are able to buy season tickets so I go match to match.

I've been waiting for Seat Exchange to get them tickets for this game and a few appeared yesterday - £49 for a child. This is the first time ever I considered not paying it. £150 for three kids for what is probably not really even a "CAT A" type game. It's simply too much.
I really worry about the club in the long run when I see prices like this.

It's all good driving away our local support when we're the treble winners with superstars in our team, but that might not be the case in a few years.

What happens when the tourists leave, but all the local fans have also been driven away?

You just have to look at Barcelona to see the answer.

It's incredibly short sighted of the club if you ask me
These twats aren't interested in working class local support, greedy short term brainless thinking, they have the perfect opportunity to completely clean up as far as attracting lapsed blues and locals back when the extension is complete but i have zero faith in them. The prices are an absolute disgrace end of.
These twats aren't interested in working class local support, greedy short term brainless thinking, they have the perfect opportunity to completely clean up as far as attracting lapsed blues and locals back when the extension is complete but i have zero faith in them. The prices are an absolute disgrace end of.
Doesn't the club liaise with any supporters groups to get feedback on this type of thing? It seems they are so fucking out of touch at re ticket prices
With regards to price: I take 3 lads with me, none of whom are able to buy season tickets so I go match to match.

I've been waiting for Seat Exchange to get them tickets for this game and a few appeared yesterday - £49 for a child. This is the first time ever I considered not paying it. £150 for three kids for what is probably not really even a "CAT A" type game. It's simply too much.
I hope when the NS is expanded that you have the opportunity to purchase STS for the lads Dave. My lad always wants his mate to come along to games, but it’s very rare three seats together are available. Unfortunately my scepticism tells me there will be no new STs in the expanded NS, maybe some Silver ones, but most seats will be for matchday ticket buyers. It may maximise revenue for City, but long term it will backfire.

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