I can't believe people are calling for Petrov to be sold. Last year Robbie was amazing in some games and went missing in others. This year, we can bring Petrov on as a "pinch hitter" or "impact sub" just like Bellamy, RSC, Weiss.
I love having that competition for places, that quality in depth...it's what all the best teams have. I think Petrov wants to start as he loves playing, just like Robbie and Ireland and Tevez.
Yes Petrov may not be the best influence in the dressing room, but thats upto Hughes to resolve that issue like our managers would if we started causing trouble in the workplace. If Petrov can't accept that he has to fight for his place, then yes by all means let him go. But once he see's where the club is heading, I'm sure he will love to be a part of it, even if its not a big a part as he would like.