Semi Final tickets (Merged)

Re: Got my semi-final ticket have you??

C_T_I_D said:
The thing that I don't really understand is that we only sell 30,000 odd season tickets (forgive me for not knowing the exact numbers) so there is still some left over surely. There cannot seriously be 48,000 season ticket holders all of a sudden so wouldn't they release them and it be luck of the draw (like willy wonka, golden ticket style) for the citycard holders to get their hands on one? I think it's a bit of a shame really when some season ticket holders can't even be arsed to go before the quarter final stage.

i thnk you should edit that to 41k season ticket holders seems there 6k away fans and around 1k (roughly) for security reasons
Re: Got my semi-final ticket have you??

masterwig said:
I'm praying I'll be able to get one once they reach my level of points on my City Card. I regret not getting one sooner because I could have had more loyalty points by now if I hadn't turned up to games and bought paper tickets under Pearce and Sven.

If I don't get one though I won't complain, people who have more points than me deserve the ticket more than I do. In a few years time hopefully I'll be one of the people with plenty of loyalty points who doesn't need to worry about them any more.

I have done this for years, gave up my season ticket about 8 years ago, but continued to go to the majority of games. At first I had a Citycard, but it then became blatantly obvious that I didn't need one, I just turned up on the day and bought a ticket from the box office and on several occasions I went free because someone wasn't going or I had complementaries. I have rarely put an away game down the years on my Supporter number, they have always been on someone elses card - fair play to them they have got me into many games I wouldn't have qualified for otherwise, but my loyalty points nowhere near reflect the games I have been to. I have the season ticket back now, so I will be OK for the home leg of the semi, but if we go to the final it will be a close call. If we ever reach the FA Cup final though I will definitely have to go through a tout, due to the reduced numbers of tickets on offer. Still thats the system, I knew about it all along, I just didn't know we were going to get taken over by a bloody multi-billionaire Sheikh. Mansour out! (only joking if you are reading your Highness)
Re: Got my semi-final ticket have you??

I do feel for you people who have to wait to see if you can get tickets (I've got mine!), but being realistic;

> If we were to put tickets aside for those that have attended previous games then that poses a mathmatical problem. Say 25,000 turn out to watch Fulham and only 5,000 are season ticket holders, and that other 20,000 also get tickets to the next three games..then your putting 20,000 aside for those who went to previous games and then 30,000 ST holders, which as you will see is greater than the total of our ground! (please don't pick at the maths I know its only 'ball-park' figures!)...but you see what I'm getting at!

> The ST holders Pump more money into the club than arguably any body else

> People have to travel, (I come from the lake district!) and work!

> If your really pi*sed then this will rile you further......... apparently Manchester University have got like 500 tickets that will probs end up in the hands of rag Basta*rds that haven't ever been to a game before!
Re: Got my semi-final ticket have you??

I hope people who have put the effort in following City not just this season but in recent years get the chance go to the Semi, I travel a 600 mile round trip to games including the pre season at Barnsley and Celtic games. And it is only through the help of a fellow Blue I may get a ticket. If I don't I hope the fans that are there, are the ones that deserve to be and not someone going to their 1st game of the season.

Good luck to all those loyal fans out there.

I think £40 is probably just right, but because it;s probably coming out of peoples Christmas money may seem a little too dear, How have the club come too this price for the game?

Having charged decent prices for the previous rounds of the Carling Cup is it too much of a price hike, given it is only the first leg and not a one off game as well.

scotty said:
I think £40 is probably just right, but because it;s probably coming out of peoples Christmas money may seem a little too dear, How have the club come too this price for the game?

Having charged decent prices for the previous rounds of the Carling Cup is it too much of a price hike, given it is only the first leg and not a one off game as well.
As previously posted the prices are agreed between the two clubs the price aint all Citys fault
how do you buy your cup games online?

im logged in, have clicked cup reservations, get taken to a screen saying my tickets are reserved and to proceed to payment, but i must be thick cause i cant see where to pay?
I’ve got 3805 loyalty points but my brothers got about 3620. Is it worth waiting until the loyalty point drop to his points and get them sat together or buy mine as soon as I can?
Re: Got my semi-final ticket have you??

Steviesleftpeg said:
apparently Manchester University have got like 500 tickets that will probs end up in the hands of rag Basta*rds that haven't ever been to a game before!

That could work in my favour. I know a few lads who go there, might be able to get one of them to get me a ticket. I guarantee thought that if they do have them half will end up with non-City fans and some students will see it as a way to make a quick buck and tout them.

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