Semi finals (City v Real and A Madrid v Bayern)

Yes. Plenty of times. And did in the thread recently until people like BS turned up & started slagging people for not liking him. I think he's crap & gets it wrong most of the time with almost everything & is only in a job because of Guardiola. I think he's shown more managerial sense i the Champions League which just highlights how crap he's been in the Prem. I think he's ruining some talented kids & has wasted players he could have used to strengthen our squad when we've had injuries.

If I think he's fucking useless & the main reason we are not top of the league , keep.getting beat by Utd & Liverpool, why the fuck would I praise him ?

To keep you & BS happy ?

And why are you asking when you know what I'll say ?
Mirrors my opinion of him too, lovely bloke but shite manager.
Been driving me mad for years. One of a list of things that I hope will addressed under the next manager.
It's because players have no patience when it comes to winning the ball back. There isn't a plan or a shape for us to revert to when we lose the ball.

We often get loaded through because certain players charge from their position and the opposition get in behind them. This leads to put backbone being got at, and it tends to either lead to a goal, a chance or a free kick, usually because a recovering midfielder has tried to tackle from the wrong side, or the defender has stepped out too aggressively and commuted the foul.

It really annoys me. The PSG game was a great example. We all know how good Ibra is from 20-30 yards out with his free kicks yet we still commited stupid fouls. Total lack of intelligence and concentration.
It's because players have no patience when it comes to winning the ball back. There isn't a plan or a shape for us to revert to when we lose the ball.

We often get loaded through because certain players charge from their position and the opposition get in behind them. This leads to put backbone being got at, and it tends to either lead to a goal, a chance or a free kick, usually because a recovering midfielder has tried to tackle from the wrong side, or the defender has stepped out too aggressively and commuted the foul.

It really annoys me. The PSG game was a great example. We all know how good Ibra is from 20-30 yards out with his free kicks yet we still commited stupid fouls. Total lack of intelligence and concentration.
You mean the 2 on Tuesday that resulted in 2 saves from joe. Both about 30 yards and conceded attempting to stop the runner getting into the box and having a shot. Please tell how that demonstrates a lack of intelligence. I'm guessing you've never played at any level and have a big armchair.
You mean the 2 on Tuesday that resulted in 2 saves from joe. Both about 30 yards and conceded attempting to stop the runner getting into the box and having a shot. Please tell how that demonstrates a lack of intelligence. I'm guessing you've never played at any level and have a big armchair.
Well the first one was committed by Dinho on Rabiot who was running into traffic whilst totally running out of options and the second one was a shove in the back of Cavani who was also running into a brick wall while being crowded out. Hardly the goal saving scenario's you've painted. It lacks intelligence because in both instances, we fouled a player who was already running into trouble or going nowhere. Re-watch them. The result was two shots on target, which given Zlatan's free kick ability, were stupid. And the hope is we don't repeat this kind of mistake against Real.

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