September 11

I cry every year at the doco ones they put out, i am triggered badly by it , i was in a dark place at the time and after twenty years i decided to stop watching the programmes every year it gets me still, RIP
I was living in N.Wales at the time. I remember driving back home and I turned on the radio to hear a very sombre Simon Mayo on R2 reporting on the events. It was all a bit surreal, and it took me a good few seconds to realise it wasn't a spoof.

Work got very busy for the next few weeks.
As a lot of people have said, that day really did change the world.

But the specific moment that changed the world was the second plane hitting the South Tower. For 15 minutes we all thought there had just been a nasty accident. There's a video on YouTube of three guys filming the towers from their apartment about 5 or 10 blocks away, and as soon as the second plane hits a guy runs up behind them and starts screaming "That's terrorists! That's fucking terrorists, bro!" There's no better way to sum up that sinking feeling.

A fascinating and deeply troubling day in modern history.
There are over 60 sons and daughters of the around 340 (343?) firefighters who died on September 11 currently serving in the NYFD, including many who were youngsters at the time. There's always been a tradition of family service in the NYFD but 9/11 accentuated this, with some giving up promising & better paid careers in finance, etc.. Some are at the same firehouse their father served at where they see his photo every day.
Recently reas the book Where men win glory by John Krakauer. It gives a great overview of the events leading up to 9/11, I was only 7 at the time but remember my parents reaction to the news so vividly.
Still living with the consequence and not just relatively minor inconveniences such as restrictions on flying and movement. The events of that day set off a chain reaction that continues to reverberate around the globe and down this century. Find it odd that many of us instantly recognise the name Gavrilo Princip, yet precious few of us would know the names of the hijackers.
I was working at home. Put the tv on for the news. Whaaat? Needless to say, no work that day. Shocking.
Then the conspiracy loonies started…it was the FBI……it was the Jews…. It never happened….

Worth remembering that Col. Oliver North giving evidence in the Iran/contra scandal many years before warned us all to keep a close eye on the then unknown Osama bin Laden.
Was working managing a chauffeur firm at M/cr airport and was watching the news, then I was watching a film, except it was still the news. My first thought was that it was going to be ' one of those days ' and it certainly was. After the initial shock all hell broke loose as planes and clients were diverted.
There is a very good series called 'The Looming Tower' with Jeff Daniels which is effectively about the years leading up to 9/11. Tracks the rise of al-qaida and the complete cluster fuck the US made between the CIA and FBI that should have ensured this never happened. Really good series.
Fantastic programme.

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