September 11

There is a very good series called 'The Looming Tower' with Jeff Daniels which is effectively about the years leading up to 9/11. Tracks the rise of al-qaida and the complete cluster fuck the US made between the CIA and FBI that should of ensured this never happened. Really good series.

It’s excellent isn’t it - see my post above about the book. If you’ve not read it you need to, incredible.
Was in a all day meeting where we were being told the process we worked to was being changed totally and 3/4 of us were proper pissed off, got in the car fuming and Parry was on talkragshite describing live what was happening....made our problems pale into insignificance.
It was 22 years ago today, I'll never forget the feeling of living in a country that was under attack. I was just pulling into work and had the Howard Stern show on and Baba Booey came into the studio and said a plane hit the WTC. I got into the office and let everybody know and we all went in the break room and saw the 2nd plane hit live on tv. I had a meeting scheduled later in the morning and they wanted to keep the appointment, it was so weird to drive to it while keeping an eye on the sky to look for more planes.

Eight days later I went to see the Phillies play the Braves. At one point a plane flew over the stadium and Braves pitcher John Burkett stepped off the mound and was visibly shook we were all waiting for the next attack. I'm usually not one to dwell on things but that feeling is something I'll never forget. Everybody everywhere was paranoid. To this day it still feels like the day I stopped thinking about things like a kid, it made us all grow up and stop taking things for granted.

What would the world look like if that never happened?
Baba Booey!??? What a name! :-)

Totally surreal and heartbreakingly sad day. RIP to all.
I was actually in Australia at the time so the events all unfolded overnight for me. I vividly remember waking up in the morning, putting the TV on and genuinely being really confused as to why an action movie was still being shown at that time. The slow dawning realisation was horrible.
There’s a video on YouTube of aboit 15 different views of the second plane going in, the one that gets me is the bloke in the street who’s camera is facing up and it comes in above them and hits the tower! Always think of the 343 that died that day, the first was killed by a woman who jumped from a tower, poor guy never even got into the tower :(
Is the one you're talking about the one where it briefly shows a guy listening to a long-wave radio on a car bonnet? And then the camera pans underneath him to get the towers in the background just as the second plane flies over their heads and into the building?
I was actually in Australia at the time so the events all unfolded overnight for me. I vividly remember waking up in the morning, putting the TV on and genuinely being really confused as to why an action movie was still being shown at that time. The slow dawning realisation was horrible.
Think you'd really appreciate this video.

I watched programme after programme, hour after hour, at the time. I have done for many years after. Now I can’t bear to watch any of it. God bless all the innocent ones that lost their lives on that day.
I’ve been watching videos of 9/11 for a week now. Every so many years I always rewatch them. The thing that gets me is just prior to the collapse of both towers, you can see the floors bowing inwards just before they gave way. I can’t even comprehend how it must have felt to be trapped above the impact floors. The noise, the smell, the heat, the knowing of your death is imminent.

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