Sergio Agüero | Manchester City's All Time Top Goalscorer

Your post stated that serving (and presumably selling) alcohol is contrary to Islam. By any reasoned interpretation of the Koran, it is not. Nor is its use for medicinal purposes. Consumption is, but that isn't the point you were attempting to advance.

The same goes for pork. There is nothing inherently bad about the pig or pork from an Islamic perspective, save for eating the animal's meat. It is one reason why President Trumps suggestion to revive General Pershing's apocryphal tactic of shooting Muslims with bullets that had been dipped in pig fat was so preposterous. Plenty of Muslims work in restaurants that serve pork products, such as McDonald's, for example.

The LGBT point you make is a slightly more nuanced issue. Such an association was already in situ when the takeover happened and ending it would doubtless create bad publicit. It's as fairly nebulous, ethereal association and as such the ownership can keep a strategic distance from it as they feel comfortable with. A scheme initiated by management that gives them a sufficient layer of plausible deniability should they choose to exercise it, give how that association would play out in certain quarters in the ME.

A statue of a sentient being would provide no such cover. It would be a positive act and a move that would be closely and directly associated with our owners. I do not believe they would view that as a risk worth taking. How the club is perceived in the Middle East and the Muslim world is hugely important to our owners and as statue of a living human would have the potential to tarnish that and give the impression of a sell out.

So, I've said, I expect there will be other means and ways for the club to provide a lasting tribute to Sergio and David, but I don't believe a statue would be how that would manifests itself.

Time will tell on this point, but I believe those asking for a statue are wasting their time. If I'm wrong, I'll happily hold my hands up.
That is one serious up my own arse post, it's a massive look at my big words, big head, load of bollocks, I'm smarter than you, attitude.
That is one serious up my own arse post, it's a massive look at my big words, big head, load of bollocks, I'm smarter than you, attitude.
He's asked me justify my position on the subject and I've done that (and responded to the points he's raised) in my own words. I'm sorry if you find my use of particular words a little offensive, but I am what I am and I'm not going to change for anyone, I'm afraid. If you find my posts a little overwhelming, then feel free to ignore them.
He's asked me justify my position on the subject and I've done that (and responded to the points he's raised) in my own words. I'm sorry if you find my use of particular words a little offensive, but I am what I am and I'm not going to change for anyone, I'm afraid. If you find my posts a little overwhelming, then feel free to ignore them.

I agree with every word he said. );; You clever bastad.
He's asked me justify my position on the subject and I've done that (and responded to the points he's raised) in my own words. I'm sorry if you find my use of particular words a little offensive, but I am what I am and I'm not going to change for anyone, I'm afraid. If you find my posts a little overwhelming, then feel free to ignore them.
i love reading your posts, but in my own way of reading them, I read that last post as I described, you are who you are and that's cool, personally I reckon your better than justifying your position with just intelligence and not your usual wit. Apologies for the lack of explanation earlier.

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