Sergio Aguero - 2016/17 performances

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If it was tactical why put him on 15mins from end when the game was lost and he might have picked up a injury doesn't make any sense at all.
Bit of a weird thing to do tonight leaving him out. I know we played well (in general...if you take away the errors that had nothing to do with Aguero not playing) but he has to play in these games. Surprised KDB didn't play in Nolito's spot with Kun playing up top. KDB still pretty much played as far forward as a forward anyway, just ineffectively.
Because Aguero doesn't work the press well. He has hinted at this enough times. You watch our games you see it. Barca is a different breed of animal. To beat them you need tactical attentiveness and some luck.

As much as everyone pretends to not see it, when Aguero plays our press is like mush. Against teams we will dominate possession wise, it's not as bad of an issue ( even though it severely diminishes our chance creating) but against superior teams, it's almost necessary.
If it was tactical why put him on 15mins from end when the game was lost and he might have picked up a injury doesn't make any sense at all.
Get his lwg wet. Besides at that point the press wasn't in play anymore.
Why? It was a tactical change. People read into things was too much. I'm sure he will be back in the team for Southampton.
This. Glad someone who is not me posted this too. :)

I mean... the people who are outraged, must actually think that he's undroppable, and so does of course the 'media', by which I mean sub-standard journous as John Cross, James Ducker, Ogden and co. He didn't play because that was ideal for the team, and Pep decided this based on his observations, and obviously not based on the 'names' he has in his squad, which is a great thing in my opinion. If Aguero doesn't take this well, then he's a bit of an idiot, an idiot that Rooney is. And because I'm sure he's a decent and clever guy, he'll take this professionally.

Thomas Muller became an even better player under Pep than he was ever before, and he was benched as well in few important games...

So give Pep and Kun a break, people.
Aguero isnt a pep type of player , he doesnt close down and is selfish and his insistence on taking penalties when he misses most of them is not contributing to the team ethic , a briiliant penalty box striker but he doesnt work hard enough outside the box for a Pep team , if Aguero doesnt toe the line and starts working for the team he will be gone , Pep is not interested in prima donnas or superstars with egos as he has already proved , its up to Aguero to play and work for the team or he can go and decide to play for someone else where he can be the main man. Hopefully Pep putting him on the bench will make him realise he has got to put the miles in , on the pitch to help his teamates
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