Sergio Aguero leaves City after 10 years

I’ve been fearing this day since the minute he made his debut against Swansea all them years ago. I know it’s probably been said a million times over but you really could tell from his very first touch of the ball that he was special. The final piece of the jigsaw. He was the one.

I didn’t think he’d stick around because the City I grew up supporting weren’t meant to have a player this good. He was destined to be a galactico or play alongside Messi at Barca. In the end I was wrong. He was meant to be a blue. The greatest player we’ve ever had. The player that made all of our wildest dreams come true.

All my school mates are reds. Every single one of them. Love them to bits but I don’t know how I got so unlucky. My school year was fairly 50/50 in terms of blues and reds but my form class was all reds bar me. They’re still my best mates to this day 10 years later and I don’t mind it as much anymore (obviously down to our success and them being shite, oh how sweet it is). My clearest memory of that famous day in 2012 is when the clock hit 90 and I had the realisation that I was gonna have to face those cunts at school the next day and that I was probably in for the worst day of my life. Didn’t move an inch when Dzeko scored because this is City we were talking about. This is how we did things. This is how we’d always done things. My dad and my grandad had always made sure I knew that. I’d already accepted defeat when Dzeko scored. And then that moment. The greatest moment of my life by a million miles.

Thank you for everything Sergio. My favourite ever player and the greatest goal scorer this league has ever seen. Thank you for changing our club and changing my life. I know it would’ve been a whole lot shitter without you. We might sign Haaland and he could end up staying his whole career and breaking all of Aguero’s records. But Aguero will always be the one that has my heart. He’ll always be the one that started the dynasty.

Of course I’m not trying to undervalue the roles Vinny, Dave, Yaya, Ferna, Zaba etc played. They’re all gods amongst us mere mortals. But Aguero was the final piece. He was the one that had the bollocks and the ability in the biggest of big moments to get the job done. And then he carried on doing it for a decade.

Adios, King Kun.
Fucking great post mate.
What the media are overlooking is that he scored a hundred or so goals for Independiente and Atletico before he joined us. His club career total (so far) is 381 goals !!!! Then add 41 goals for Argentina. Just insane.
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Simply a City and Premier League legend.

My Dad had a rough number of years before his death two weeks ago, I've never seen him as happy as a little schoolboy than when Aguero scored that goal to win the league. I'll always be thankful to him for that.
Grim news but better to have loved and lost than not to have loved at all. Shine on great man, wherever you end up. We owe you everything. You leave owing us nothing. As fans we can't ask for anything more. Take a bow son!
The annoying thing will be over the next few weeks the media will be running stories about Sergio being pushed out of the club , its already started on this forum by our own fans in the Messi/transfer forum. All the gossip about signing for the Rags , Chelski etc etc , should be totally ignored absolutely nothing that comes to light over the next few weeks will diminish my unswerving belief that Sergio has been a 100% loyal member of our club/team

It would be nice if the shit stirring members of this forum would take a minute and pause and think about what Sergio has done and achieved for our club before posting utter bollocks that the media will no doubt be tryiong to dig up.
The club and Sergio have done the right thing , announced the decision to try and alleviate all the shite around his impending departure , the man has earned his right to leave the club with his head held high and with all due respect.
A sad day we all knew was coming.

One of the greatest players to play in the Premier League, and scored the greatest goal to finish any season in this country and we were lucky it was with us.

Forever Blue

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