Sergio Aguero.

Jumanji said:
adammck said:
Don't know why people thought Aguero played bad, he was fully suffocated in their backline and he did great to hold on to the ball and take pressure of the side, same is definitely said for Nasri.
Because he did play bad.

Him being suffocated by their tactics is only a slight reason why he wasn't able to express himself.

However, that doesn't mean I can't say he was poor. When he did have the ball, his decision making was bad tonight.

He tries to cut too much, instead of letting it rip when he is in a good shooting position. Almost as if he is too scared to waste a chance and tries to set up "the perfect shot." He's been doing this all year and it has failed him very often.

Remember this?:

Oh, and I'm sorry but him being indecisive on the ball took no pressure away from the team.

The reason he didnt score then is because the immobile donkey fuck stood in his way and nicked the chance

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