Serious question about Mancini - serious answers only please

100%blue said:
tonea2003 said:
have i missed something? what's this let go at half time stuff?
YaYa Toure left at half time against Arsenal after being subbed. The club say they let him go to beat the rush of after match traffic!.

oh is that it, big deal
Sacking managers is something Man City have done frequently since Mr Mercer was deposed.Now let me see,what silverware have we won since then.So obviously sacking managers isn't the way forward.Fergie,Wenger long term managers both have had success,do we see a thread.Can't remember a misplaced pass,or shot from Mancini at the weekend,but he's getting all the blame.I take it the actual guys out on the pitch had absolutely nothing at all to do with saturdays result.
I honestly and truthfully dont see parallels between Hughes and Mancini in terms of the support they boast from the board.

In fact unless something very drastically bad happens to City then he is surely safe for this season as a bare minimum.

I say 2 years and the press can say what they like as it isnt read in Abu Dhabi since they went to town re:Hughes.
I'm not Mancini's biggest fan. I still find it all a bit too negative at times. I can appreciate we have to defend staunchly in certain games, but there are teams we should be going for the jugular from the off. We did that at Wolves for the first 20 minutes and then sat back and let Wolves attack us through their best player in Jarvis time and time again, on both flanks.

Are the players to blame for us slacking off after going 1-0 up? I think they are to a certain extent, but the manager has to be partly responsible at least for getting the team to fight a bit more (and not with each other). Our back 4 didn't perform well on Saturday, but again, Wolves knew that playing down the wing was how to attack us, and it paid off for them. Richards and Boateng were turned inside-out as Wolves came at us with two or three against one or two. That's something the manager has to identify and act upon.

It's a bit knee-jerk to call for his head after one game (and I appreciate that people aren't basing their opinions on the Wolves match alone), but at the moment on here people would have us believe that when Kolarov comes back Mancini will play this amazing formation. So we are relying on one player to complete the jigsaw? That's pretty shit really. We've got a squad full of great players yet we can't use them right until we get a left-back fit when we have two others on the books. Doesn't make any sense to me.

I personally don't have a timeframe for when we should consider RM's tenure. We are in a position unlike any other team where wholesale changes have happened season after season. It has to settle at some point. I hope that when it does, w'll be firing on all cylinders and picking up points when we should. But a bad day at the office over the weekend isn't enough for me to start thinking about getting rid. If it happens frequently then that's a different kettle of fish.
Joycee Banercheck said:
I'm not Mancini's biggest fan. I still find it all a bit too negative at times. I can appreciate we have to defend staunchly in certain games, but there are teams we should be going for the jugular from the off. We did that at Wolves for the first 20 minutes and then sat back and let Wolves attack us through their best player in Jarvis time and time again, on both flanks.

Are the players to blame for us slacking off after going 1-0 up? I think they are to a certain extent, but the manager has to be partly responsible at least for getting the team to fight a bit more (and not with each other). Our back 4 didn't perform well on Saturday, but again, Wolves knew that playing down the wing was how to attack us, and it paid off for them. Richards and Boateng were turned inside-out as Wolves came at us with two or three against one or two. That's something the manager has to identify and act upon.

It's a bit knee-jerk to call for his head after one game (and I appreciate that people aren't basing their opinions on the Wolves match alone), but at the moment on here people would have us believe that when Kolarov comes back Mancini will play this amazing formation. So we are relying on one player to complete the jigsaw? That's pretty shit really. We've got a squad full of great players yet we can't use them right until we get a left-back fit when we have two others on the books. Doesn't make any sense to me.

I personally don't have a timeframe for when we should consider RM's tenure. We are in a position unlike any other team where wholesale changes have happened season after season. It has to settle at some point. I hope that when it does, w'll be firing on all cylinders and picking up points when we should. But a bad day at the office over the weekend isn't enough for me to start thinking about getting rid. If it happens frequently then that's a different kettle of fish.

whilst we are in a champions league spot it shouldn't even be on the agenda.
that could all change tonight with the mighty baggies playing!
I like mancini and believe he has brought in better quality players than previous managers have, and that includes Lesley, who had a similar amount of money to spend...... lets see Roque Santa Cruz or Balotelli, Wayne Bridge or Boateng the list goes on....

I personally think we expect too much and if someone had suggested at the start of the season we could be 4th and still in Eurpoe at the start of November we would have all taken it.

Give Bob some support, he's in it for the long term, the owners have invested time, money and effort into him and the club and it WILL work. If not we will get someone else when the time merits it, but not until the end of this season at the very least. Besides, who else is available, that would be good enough to manage us........<br /><br />-- Mon Nov 01, 2010 12:47 pm --<br /><br />I like mancini and believe he has brought in better quality players than previous managers have, and that includes Lesley, who had a similar amount of money to spend...... lets see Roque Santa Cruz or Balotelli, Wayne Bridge or Boateng the list goes on....

I personally think we expect too much and if someone had suggested at the start of the season we could be 4th and still in Eurpoe at the start of November we would have all taken it.

Give Bob some support, he's in it for the long term, the owners have invested time, money and effort into him and the club and it WILL work. If not we will get someone else when the time merits it, but not until the end of this season at the very least. Besides, who else is available, that would be good enough to manage us........
PhuketBlue said:
Prestwich_Blue said:
I also want to get an answer from people who are calling me all the names under the sun for not being particularly fond of Mancini when they will accept that enough is enough.

I doubt people give a toss whether you are fond of him or not. I suspect any abuse you get is due to your need to continually and repetitively express that opinion. You don't like him, we get it (whether we agree or not) but why the need to keep repeating it?

bluemonkey71 said:
Mancini should have till the end of the season. What's the point of booting out a manager every 5 minutes. You might aswell get a shotgun and blow your own balls off.

Some people on here expect instant success. Its not going to happen. Chelsea will walk the league and we will battle it out for 4th.

Been supporting City long enough not to worry about the lemmings and worriers on here.

WELL HE WOULD SAY THAT WOULDNT HE?! Surely you didnt expect him to say - 'if it goes tits up then i'll walk next month?
ANY1aBLUE said:
PhuketBlue said:
I doubt people give a toss whether you are fond of him or not. I suspect any abuse you get is due to your need to continually and repetitively express that opinion. You don't like him, we get it (whether we agree or not) but why the need to keep repeating it?


-- Mon Nov 01, 2010 1:50 pm --

bluemonkey71 said:
Mancini should have till the end of the season. What's the point of booting out a manager every 5 minutes. You might aswell get a shotgun and blow your own balls off.

Some people on here expect instant success. Its not going to happen. Chelsea will walk the league and we will battle it out for 4th.

Been supporting City long enough not to worry about the lemmings and worriers on here.

WELL HE WOULD SAY THAT WOULDNT HE?! Surely you didnt expect him to say - 'if it goes tits up then i'll walk next month?

If Mancini is crap then there are only a handful of managers who are better than him, and they all have secure jobs.
Didsbury Dave said:
We certainly have the players to challenge.

Three wins in the next 9 days and all will be rosy again.

Three defeats and I think he's in danger.

Its just like City to kick you in the bollocks just as you get on board the good ship believe eh DD ;-)

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