Sevilla away sold out!

Depends what you call high points, I have over 17000 and I am over 1000 behind people I travel with.
No need to feel inferior mate, there will be plenty there, even travelling with you, who will have 10,000 less than you.

And there's definitely no need to feel inferior if you meet up with squirtyflower, he brings everyone down to his level!! ;-)

Sorry squirty I couldn't resist it, you know what I'm like when I've finished my work for the morning!!! :-) sorry.
Pretty much every person who has enough points buys tickets for near enough every away game, a lot of them travel and give up their time and money to follow us all over the place but there are an increasing minority who openly tout tickets to away games before they've even gone on sale.

I realise that in the tickets and travel forum on here that the blatant points whoring has been banned but you need to only glance on the facebook group to see people openly offering to get Villa away tickets with no intention whatsoever of going to the game merely to keep their points balance ticking over, the same names crop up time and time again yet its tolerated. The club could quite easily look on that group and ban anyone offering this 'service' from getting away tickets for that particular game although, personally, I dont think they're that arsed as long as they sell the allocation.

Im fortunate enough not to be in the position where I need to keep boosting other peoples points tallies but do feel sorry for the people who do end up doing so as they are going to struggle even more to catch up high point holders despite attending the matches themselves.

The site you refer to was set up in response to the disgraceful City alliance with Viagogo.
Had City started their own return/sell at face value scheme it would not have happened.
Many City ticket for home matches are sold at well below face value on there.
The people who use this site obtain their own tickets.
I would suggest it's the Corporate /OSC that need looking into more.
That is exactly the case, in the last two years the selling out threshold has risen more quickly than the points that have been awarded
It is all very well that the club put on the site that various groups receive tickets but the question that needs answering is how many each group receives.
The site you refer to was set up in response to the disgraceful City alliance with Viagogo.
Had City started their own return/sell at face value scheme it would not have happened.
Many City ticket for home matches are sold at well below face value on there.
The people who use this site obtain their own tickets.
I would suggest it's the Corporate /OSC that need looking into more.

Dont get me wrong, mate, I know people who use the site and are extremely lucky to get tickets for under face value. I've even sold a ticket on there myself once (below face value) I just dont like the blatant points whoring that goes on.

Anyway I didnt mean to go away form the original point of the thread but in my opinion the OSC arent a major part of the problem, the major part, and 1 that in my opinion, needs to be adressed immediately is the fact that these 'rich' corporate clients have suddenly got access to any tickets they like just because they've thrown a couple of grand at the club for a season ticket.
Dont get me wrong, mate, I know people who use the site and are extremely lucky to get tickets for under face value. I've even sold a ticket on there myself once (below face value) I just dont like the blatant points whoring that goes on.

Anyway I didnt mean to go away form the original point of the thread but in my opinion the OSC arent a major part of the problem, the major part, and 1 that in my opinion, needs to be adressed immediately is the fact that these 'rich' corporate clients have suddenly got access to any tickets they like just because they've thrown a couple of grand at the club for a season ticket.

All of it needs looking at. OSC, Corporate, the lot. It is obvious the way tickets are being distributed has chanmged
When the sole reason so many pay the premium for Platinum & join the cup schemes is to accrue more loyalty points to ensure they maintain their position to get tickets for the popular matches - I think it is reasonable that if the chances are lessened because the club have increased those for the corporates and consequently reduced those for general sale, this should be made clear.
If this is a definite change of strategy by the club, they are misleading those fans to spend money needlessly - nobody chooses to spend an extra £50 if there is no point.
I am lucky enough to have just qualified for both OT and Seville but it feels that last year I would have qualified easily and this year I've just squeezed in. Next year, who knows!!
A Very good post.
Ive just missed out on OT and Seville.
I agree with you entirely, but i don't expect that the club will make it clear, because that would mean a great many wouldn't bother joining the cup schemes, or even buying platinum.
Any chance of lost revenue will not feature in their business plan.
You make a considered judgement about adding the extras to your seasoncard package, from this point on, (just as you would have done for previous seasons of course) but clearly, the ticket sales strategy has changed somewhat, this season.
You cant buy loyalty they say. Oh...wait...what?
Two years ago I easily got tickets for Old Trafford, same as the year before. Now admittedly over the past two years I've not been doing anywhere near the number of away's I had been doing however I've not stopped altogether and I'm still on all the cup schemes. Last year I just missed out on a derby ticket and this year I didn't even get close at 12,800+ points. It does seem that either the pool of tickets is getting smaller or there's a significant amount of people going every single away, I suspect its the former.
It is all very well that the club put on the site that various groups receive tickets but the question that needs answering is how many each group receives.

Some transparency would be a start. No-one likes to hold United up as an example but that's what they do with their away tickets. It's still open to abuse of course but at least you know roughly what percentage is going where.

The impression I get is that it's not perfect anywhere though. When we lost 3-2 at Liverpool in their, oops sorry our, title winning season of 2013-14 a mate and his sister were next to a load of Norwegian Liverpool fans in the away end at Anfield - seriously, what is that all about? A quick look at the ticketing section on RAWK some months back was hugely critical of chunks of Liverpool ticket allocations (I think for away games) going to Thomas Cook. A United fan who lives near me tends to only do selected away games these days but always gets his away tickets through a Spanish tout who supports Barcelona. How the fuck a Spanish Barca fan is getting his mitts on United away tickets is beyond me.
I hope to fuck when (not if) we reach a champions league final its being held at a venue with a high capacity!

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