Sex Pistols Gigs, Free Trade Hall, June/July 1976

johnmc said:
Does anyone still like the music? It was all about the movements wasnt it rather than good music.

I still enjoy the music of The Damned a great deal. Suprisingly, they have a great deal of melody in their songs...CLash and Pistols in small doses.

Ramones are the one that still stand out for me though...

And Josh, yeah it could be intimidating at the Circus. Especially if like me, you still had (very) long hair. I recall at one gig, a snotty punk gave it 'Peace and love...maaaaan' right in my mate's face....he butted him and he went down like a sack of spuds....'Yeah, peace man' my mate
johnmc said:
Does anyone still like the music? It was all about the movements wasnt it rather than good music.

I'm way too young to have been a punk. But I think with those early punk songs its a bit like listening to early house music now. It's impossible to know how fresh they sounded when they were unlike anything that had come before.
MCFCTrick said:
johnmc said:
Does anyone still like the music? It was all about the movements wasnt it rather than good music.

I still enjoy the music of The Damned a great deal. Suprisingly, they have a great deal of melody in their songs...CLash and Pistols in small doses.

Ramones are the one that still stand out for me though...

And Josh, yeah it could be intimidating at the Circus. Especially if like me, you still had (very) long hair. I recall at one gig, a snotty punk gave it 'Peace and love...maaaaan' right in my mate's face....he butted him and he went down like a sack of spuds....'Yeah, peace man' my mate

I can still listen to some of it, don't mind some of the Pistols/PIL stuff, quite like Siouxsie saw her years ago with Alien Sex Fiend and was down near the front of the stage and her legs were fucking mint. Quite like The Stooges and some of the New York punk that came out of CBGB's. Although they are not Punk I'm going through a period of listening to The Velvet Underground all over again at the moment and even started a thread the other day about music back then compared to now but shelved it as I couldn't make my point clearly enough. Might try and re-visit it later tonight.
johnmc said:
Does anyone still like the music? It was all about the movements wasnt it rather than good music.

loved it at the time it was all so bad and new, used to play Buzzcocks B' side "nothing but a F**cking cow" at full blast when I was in trouble with my mum lol. Still listen to some of the tracks from the good old days but The Jam were always my band! Went to Paris to see them for the Town Called Malice tour when I was 16 - it was a blast
Didsbury Dave said:
johnmc said:
Does anyone still like the music? It was all about the movements wasn't it rather than good music.

I'm way too young to have been a punk. But I think with those early punk songs its a bit like listening to early house music now. It's impossible to know how fresh they sounded when they were unlike anything that had come before.

I regularly went to the FTH in those days but I was a Heavy Metal Kid so couldn't stand punks and would not have gone anywhere near a punk gig with my long(ish) hair. I did see the Damned support T.Rex at the Apollo.

Also, I've always liked the Pistols' album but they were just a metal band with dodgy vocals and most of them (The Pistols), secretly - at the time - just wanted to be Led Zep: I'm sure I've read interviews where they admitted that. I still like the Clash and Ramones too but only ever bought their music on cd.
My mam was there by accident, just paid in on the night as they were going past.
Left half way through "because it was shit". Backed up by her mate who was with her.
OB1 said:
Didsbury Dave said:
johnmc said:
Does anyone still like the music? It was all about the movements wasn't it rather than good music.

I'm way too young to have been a punk. But I think with those early punk songs its a bit like listening to early house music now. It's impossible to know how fresh they sounded when they were unlike anything that had come before.

I regularly went to the FTH in those days but I was a Heavy Metal Kid so couldn't stand punks and would not have gone anywhere near a punk gig with my long(ish) hair. I did see the Damned support T.Rex at the Apollo.

Also, I've always liked the Pistols' album but they were just a metal band with dodgy vocals and most of them (The Pistols), secretly - at the time - just wanted to be Led Zep: I'm sure I've read interviews where they admitted that. I still like the Clash and Ramones too but only ever bought their music on cd.

Punk and metal were more closely related than either cared to admit.
I have a very vague recollection of going to see The Pistols at Civic Centre Forum in Wythenshawe at some point around then. But getting turned away because we weren't 18. Just been looking at a list of their gigs and can find no record of it though. So I'm probabaly imagining the whole thing and we got turned away from pitch and putt and Wythenshawe Park or something.

I noticed when looking through the list that they played at Didsbury College on 01/10/76 though.

Never heard this mentioned before.

Any of the 100,000 who claim to be at The Free Trade Hall at this one too?
Didsbury Dave said:
OB1 said:
Didsbury Dave said:
I'm way too young to have been a punk. But I think with those early punk songs its a bit like listening to early house music now. It's impossible to know how fresh they sounded when they were unlike anything that had come before.

I regularly went to the FTH in those days but I was a Heavy Metal Kid so couldn't stand punks and would not have gone anywhere near a punk gig with my long(ish) hair. I did see the Damned support T.Rex at the Apollo.

Also, I've always liked the Pistols' album but they were just a metal band with dodgy vocals and most of them (The Pistols), secretly - at the time - just wanted to be Led Zep: I'm sure I've read interviews where they admitted that. I still like the Clash and Ramones too but only ever bought their music on cd.

Punk and metal were more closely related than either cared to admit.

I always and still do believe that Punk was for blokes that weren't good enough to play Metal. Never could understand why my mates used to all say 'why do you like heavy metal you cant understand anything they're supposed to be singing and it's all just noise' yet I've always thought metal musicians to be unequalled in their playing.

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