Shame At Being A Blue

stoneytheblue said:
Right, I'm not taking the p*ss here and without doubt am I not a rag. Hughes has gone, Mancini is in and now we have got to move forward. With Gary Cook as Chief Exec we will never do this. So what about (and I kid you not) we try to get Peter Kenyon... He's proved he can successfully operate a club with money to burn and one with not so much money. I know he's a Rag but surely he would be better than the tw@t we've got now?

blueinsa answered that one.

i still wouldn't want him. he's a ****.
why the fuck football clubs persist/insist on employing glorified kit men like him and cook is beyond me.

tbh, karren brady'd be a better shout before she ends up at west ham with sullivan and gold again.
Owain said:
johnny crossan said:
Deep breath - spaces between sentences

The Club have done nothing wrong

Anyone on here who thinks they did is in error IMO

The Reason Hughes Had To Go:

Performances, not just results were poor.

There were real question marks over the injury record and motivation level of key signings

The trip to Abu Dhabi in November was also for a major management review following six draws .

The request for further funds for January signings was not well received in light of the above

After defeat in AD there followed further draws from winning positions at a weakened Liverpool & Burnley

Hughes demonstrably failed to get the best from his players or his staff, in particular he failed to manage his defensive coaches

It was decided, quite reasonably, that a new manager and coaching staff were necessary.

The Sacking:

There was no-one in place to act as caretaker over an interregnum, the result of Hughes' staff recruitment policy

A period of Kinnear-style instability was not wanted at this crucial stage of the season.

There is no pain-free way of dispensing with the services of a failing incumbent manager

Just as there is no pain-free way of reading the papers, watching SSN or reading some of the posts on here

It would be refreshing to see people stop brown-nosing the owners and board in such a fucking pathetic manner.

More importantly, why oh fucking why is no-one addressing the issue of the club's behaviour here? The fact that they're going to huge lengths ON THE WEBSITE to try and play down this PR disaster is because they know they've behaved abhorrently.

Cook and Mubarak should be condemned for their handling of this. Say what you want about Mark Hughes, but no-one in a professional environment deserves to be treated in this shoddy manner.

AND personally I don't think the journos are having a crack at the club. They're having a crack at the abysmal decisions of those in charge of the club. I for one welcomed their scrutiny of Cook at that press conference. He deserved the difficult time the hacks gave him.

Sorry, but I'd like to see heads roll before we just forget about all this. In any case, I'm 100% behind Mancini.

Spot on.

There is a HUGE difference between "getting behind the club" and "us and them" and "I am sure some people on here want to see us fail " - which in itself is a stupid thing to say - and doing things in the right way.

Whether you like Hughes or not its irrelevant, our club has not come out of this with much dignity and damage I hope will be repaired.

End of.

Roll on saturday and the start of something big I hope!.

1. Our results were, in general, going down the toilet. Yes, we could get the odd flash of brilliance occasionally but Hughes looked completely unable to stop us shipping goals.
2. Only Sunderland in the top 11 clubs had conceded more goals than us and we have even conceded more goals than Portsmouth.
3. Since end September, almost 3 months, (including Sunderland) we have won only 2 of 11 games and conceded 20 goals in the league (almost 2 goals per game) - ignoring the LC results as we should be expected to beat the 2 teams we played. Take Sunderland out and it's 1 win in 10 and conceded 17 goals.
4. Of course we looked for a replacement before sacking Hughes, we would be insane to sack a manager without having someone lined up. That doesn't seem to stop a lot of clubs which I find incredible.
5. The news got leaked, unfortunate, but shit happens.
6. Those redtop wankers and a lot of football commentators have been speculating and trying to destabilise the club since the sheikh took over regarding Hughes being replaced. Now we have replaced him after a run of poor results, and what's worse, crap performances in the main; they are acting like we've raped their house and burnt their wife.
7. I was a Hughes inner but we have been playing dire football, with crap performances generally and getting mainly shit results for over a quarter of the season in terms of number of games played.
8. The only reason we are still in shouting distance of the top 4 is because those teams are underperforming compared to previous seasons. If the Sky 4 had been on their typical form we'd have 6 points less and they would each probably have an extra 6 points each with a potential gap of 18-20 points between us and them.
9. Villa have 3 new defenders and have one of the tightest defences in the league having bought one of Hughes' cast-offs who he must have thought wasn't good enough for our team.
10. Get over it, he got sacked for underperforming badly having spent £200m+ on new players and I'm not sad to see the back of him.
As s lifelong blue who has supported them through thick and thin it makes my blood boil about some of the comments I read on here, how can some people call themselves supporters of the club. Whether the decision to sack Hughes, or the way it done was right or wrong, I will always fully support the club!

No one person is the club, whether it is the manager, a board member or a player, each will get my 100% support when they are at my club!

Talk of banning papers, getting rid of members of staff, booing players and the like really gets on my wick.

A couple of seasons ago at the swamp we were called the impeccables, that was one of the proudest moments of my life.

So do what any true supporter should do and get behind the club through the bad and good times and show the rest of the world we are the impeccables!

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