Shamima Begum

The only way I’d let this twat back into the country would be in the back of an unmarked MI6 extradition plane where she was being transported to some remote black site never to see the light of day again like the other terrorist cunts.

You seem to be fine example of someone with British values.

No sense of English irony...
Well you've obviously been led astray, if you think this foolish idiot is public enemy number one or evil personified.

The fact that bigger threats wonder around unstopped is testament to the fact it was a politically motivated decision to stir up populists who delegate their thinking to others. It can't be true that this Begum is a greater threat to national security than the other Begum.

Next you'll be saying that the people you disagree with think she should be given a four bed council house and massive telly.
Bigger threats wandering around unstopped you say?
Bigger than this juvenile, dim- witted unsophisticated idiot?
I mean, it’s not as if say, someone reached the heights of government seniority like …perhaps….oh…..foreign secretary for example, and deliberately lost his security guards and jetted off to attend a drunken party (possibly orgy- who knows) hosted by ….i don’t know....maybe a KGB officer and close friend of the leader of a hostile state with whom we are currently fighting a proxy war, and was spotted next day, unable to remember to whom he had spoken and about what topics, at the airport looking like a bag of old washing and returning to be promoted to PM ( I know - this is getting silly and a bit far-fetched) and then promoting the son of said KGB agent into the House Of Lords, where he can make decisions on our country’s governance, not to mention him being awash with money from said hostile state.
I‘ve deliberately exaggerated this scenario to make a point about national security because we all know you couldn’t make this up and nothing as ludicrous as this could ever really happen, as we are so vigilant of risks.
She hasn’t got Bangali (whatever that is) or Bangladeshi citizenship unless you disbelieve the Bangladeshi government.
Why do you think you’re better informed on who has Bangladeshi citizenship than the government and courts of Bangladesh?

you two need to go and check the law. Anyone born under jus sanguinis automatically has citizenship to that country.
This is why the UK could remove her dual citizenship without any legal ramifications. Judges are happy with it which tells you everything all you need to know. The fact is Bangladesh weren't quick enough to remove her citizenship and now they're moaning about it. Tough shit if you ask me
you two need to go and check the law. Anyone born under jus sanguinis automatically has citizenship to that country.
This is why the UK could remove her dual citizenship without any legal ramifications. Judges are happy with it which tells you everything all you need to know. The fact is Bangladesh weren't quick enough to remove her citizenship and now they're moaning about it. Tough shit if you ask me

They’re not moaning about it, they’ve said all along she wasn’t a citizen and she’s never wanted to go there, it’s never been or going to be a realistic option - the judges found that too.

Why aren’t you thinking it should be tough shit on us? It’s an absurdly arrogant position to think tough shit on Bangladesh and horrendous in terms of international relations.
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