sheikh mansour sends in his man

Prestwich_Blue said:
Wow. Thanks for that. The one thing that stands out is that it's a good job they're Muslims because with so many brothers, half-brothers, sisters-in-law, nieces and nephews, Christmas would be a bloody nightmare!

There is always Eid (muslim holiday)!
BobKowalski said:
hbruz80 - it did. Thanks.

I do recall that City was bought personally by Sheikh Mansour so I guess that would preclude interference from anyone else - unless of course it was going badly wrong. Which it ain't.

Even though it is Sheikh Mansour's purchasement/investment, there will still have to be a nod from above as he will want to hire trusted staff from within their own regime.

hbruz80 said:
Prestwich_Blue said:
Wow. Thanks for that. The one thing that stands out is that it's a good job they're Muslims because with so many brothers, half-brothers, sisters-in-law, nieces and nephews, Christmas would be a bloody nightmare!

There is always Eid (muslim holiday)!

Which, going by how I have seen the Pakistani and Bengali's celebrate over here, is a fairly big doo, They seem to do abit more than watch The Royle Family at 9pm on BBC1 thats for sure
hbruz80 said:
Firstly, Mohammed Mubarak Al-Mazrouei is not related to Khaldoon Al-Mubarak. The second name donates the person’s father, they usually put bin (son of) or woman (daughter of), i.e. Sheikh Mansour bin Zayed Al-Nayhan= Sheikh Mansour son of Zayed, but in many cases the bin/woman is just left out. Al-Mazrouei is a big family in Abu Dhabi so although Khaled Al-Mazrouei is a relative I am unsure about how close that relation is. The reason for the bin/woman is because they tend to have large families and tend to use a lot of the same names, therefore without it, it is impossible to determine who is who.

So the format is Title, First Name, (bin/woman) Father's Name, Family Name?
That seems quite logical.

Secondly, Sheikh Mansour has 5 other FULL brothers, one being the Crown Prince General Sheikh Mohammed bin Zayed Al-Nahyan (CP). It is the CP who gives Sheikh Mansour his instructions and no deal will be done in Abu Dhabi without his approval (i.e. there is no way that Sheikh Mansour would have bought City without the nod from his big brother). The current President is Sheikh Mansour’s and the CP’s HALF brother (same father, different mother).

Is the deal a legal thing, or a respect thing? Let's say that current CP becomes President and one of Sheikh Mansour's brothers wanted to buy Liverpool, they would have to pass it by the Crown Prince of Abu Dhabi, or the now President, General Sheikh Mohammed?
Actually, I've heard somewhere that it is unlikely that any other investors would get involved in a Premiership club from UAE, because of some no-compete tradition between the Emirates. Is this accurate or false?

Thirdly, the power structure, is basically, the ruling family Al-Nahyan’s own every major enterprise in Abu Dhabi, therefore all big companies go straight to the top. Obviously, they cannot run all these companies themselves, therefore they have trusted advisers (who are Emirati nationals), Khaldoon Al-Mubarak and Mohammed Mubarak Al Mazrouei being two such people. The big families such as, Al-Mazrouei, Al-Fahim, Al Suwaidi, Al Sayegh etc have known the Royal Family for decades if not longer and have a very close connection to them to this very day. The Ruling Family are also the government, the President runs with the country (UAE), the CP runs the emirate (in this case Abu Dhabi), and the other government positions are given to other members of the Royal Family (e.g. our very own Sheikh Mansour is Minsiter of Presidential Affairs)

So basically, it isn't like the Sheikh and Al Mazrouei are strangers then, their families would have known each other for generations? Out of interest are there any powerful figures in Abu Dhabi that are not part of one of the big families?

Fourthly, the fact that Al-Mazrouei is an engineer by trade is irrelevant, Khaldoon Al-Mubarak started off as a sales-executive at the Abu Dhabi national Oil Company (ADNOC).

I know, I was just providing all the information that I found upon him.

Fifthy, Khaldoon Al-Mubarak by virtue of his positions as CEO of Mubadala (one of the Sovereign Wealth Funds) and chairman of the Executive Affairs Authority reports directly to the CP. He is on the board of pretty much all the major companies in Abu Dhabi and is a very busy man.

Sixthly, as I have written before ADUG was just a special purpose vehicle created to buy City, we are not owned by a company/consortium but by ONE OWNER, Sheikh Mansour who used his private wealth to fund the purchase. Nobody knows how much money he or any of his other 18 brothers have (all the media reports are just guess work and in my humble opinion way off the mark).

Hope that helps.

Would you estimate it up or down? If this is a personal purchase of Sheikh Mansour, are the 'richest club in the world' statements inaccurate? I actually didn't know that about ADUG, I was under the impression that they were part of the ADIA.

That helped an awful lot mate, and hopefully you can stick around and answer a few more questions about the structure, and in particularly, any predictions about the role of Al-Mazrouei would be excellent.
BobKowalski said:
hbruz80 - it did. Thanks.

I do recall that City was bought personally by Sheikh Mansour so I guess that would preclude interference from anyone else - unless of course it was going badly wrong. Which it ain't.

Well according to hbruz who seems to understand the hirachcey of Abu Dhabi

It is the CP who gives Sheikh Mansour his instructions and no deal will be done in Abu Dhabi without his approval (i.e. there is no way that Sheikh Mansour would have bought City without the nod from his big brother).

So the crown prince may have ok,d the deal
Damocles said:
hbruz80 said:
Firstly, Mohammed Mubarak Al-Mazrouei is not related to Khaldoon Al-Mubarak. The second name donates the person’s father, they usually put bin (son of) or woman (daughter of), i.e. Sheikh Mansour bin Zayed Al-Nayhan= Sheikh Mansour son of Zayed, but in many cases the bin/woman is just left out. Al-Mazrouei is a big family in Abu Dhabi so although Khaled Al-Mazrouei is a relative I am unsure about how close that relation is. The reason for the bin/woman is because they tend to have large families and tend to use a lot of the same names, therefore without it, it is impossible to determine who is who.

So the format is Title, First Name, (bin/woman) Father's Name, Family Name?
That seems quite logical.

Secondly, Sheikh Mansour has 5 other FULL brothers, one being the Crown Prince General Sheikh Mohammed bin Zayed Al-Nahyan (CP). It is the CP who gives Sheikh Mansour his instructions and no deal will be done in Abu Dhabi without his approval (i.e. there is no way that Sheikh Mansour would have bought City without the nod from his big brother). The current President is Sheikh Mansour’s and the CP’s HALF brother (same father, different mother).

Is the deal a legal thing, or a respect thing? Let's say that current CP becomes President and one of Sheikh Mansour's brothers wanted to buy Liverpool, they would have to pass it by the Crown Prince of Abu Dhabi, or the now President, General Sheikh Mohammed?
Actually, I've heard somewhere that it is unlikely that any other investors would get involved in a Premiership club from UAE, because of some no-compete tradition between the Emirates. Is this accurate or false?

Respect, but that is much more important in the Gulf. Like I said there is no way Sheikh Mansour would have been able to buy a foreign football club without letting anyone know. Premiership football is not the money making machine everyone thinks it is (unless you massively over-leverage aka Rags, Liverpool), so it is unlikely anyone else from the UAE will buy a club. As I am sure you remember Dubai were interested in buying Liverpool through their Sovereign Wealth Fund, Dubai International Capital (just in case you did not know Sheikh Mansour is married to Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al-Maktoum's eldest daughter, as in Sheikh Mansour's father in law is the leader of Dubai, my guess is that is where Sheikh Mansour got the idea from). If someone else buys a football club with the intention of winning silverware (in other words a loss making venture) it will be a Saudi Prince, or someone who has made there money and has nothing better to do with it (Abromovich type owner)

Thirdly, the power structure, is basically, the ruling family Al-Nahyan’s own every major enterprise in Abu Dhabi, therefore all big companies go straight to the top. Obviously, they cannot run all these companies themselves, therefore they have trusted advisers (who are Emirati nationals), Khaldoon Al-Mubarak and Mohammed Mubarak Al Mazrouei being two such people. The big families such as, Al-Mazrouei, Al-Fahim, Al Suwaidi, Al Sayegh etc have known the Royal Family for decades if not longer and have a very close connection to them to this very day. The Ruling Family are also the government, the President runs with the country (UAE), the CP runs the emirate (in this case Abu Dhabi), and the other government positions are given to other members of the Royal Family (e.g. our very own Sheikh Mansour is Minsiter of Presidential Affairs)

So basically, it isn't like the Sheikh and Al Mazrouei are strangers then, their families would have known each other for generations? Out of interest are there any powerful figures in Abu Dhabi that are not part of one of the big families?

Khaldoon Al-Mubarak (aka poster boy for Abu Dhabi), seriously that guy does everything!

Fourthly, the fact that Al-Mazrouei is an engineer by trade is irrelevant, Khaldoon Al-Mubarak started off as a sales-executive at the Abu Dhabi national Oil Company (ADNOC).

I know, I was just providing all the information that I found upon him.

Fifthy, Khaldoon Al-Mubarak by virtue of his positions as CEO of Mubadala (one of the Sovereign Wealth Funds) and chairman of the Executive Affairs Authority reports directly to the CP. He is on the board of pretty much all the major companies in Abu Dhabi and is a very busy man.

Sixthly, as I have written before ADUG was just a special purpose vehicle created to buy City, we are not owned by a company/consortium but by ONE OWNER, Sheikh Mansour who used his private wealth to fund the purchase. Nobody knows how much money he or any of his other 18 brothers have (all the media reports are just guess work and in my humble opinion way off the mark).

Hope that helps.

Would you estimate it up or down? If this is a personal purchase of Sheikh Mansour, are the 'richest club in the world' statements inaccurate? I actually didn't know that about ADUG, I was under the impression that they were part of the ADIA.

ADUG has nothing to do with ADIA, it was made up out of thin air just to fund the purchase of City.

Firstly, nobody has a clue how much any member of any of the Gulf Ruling families actually have, the media have gone on two assumptions. One, that Sheikh Mansour is richer than Abromovich so let us just say he has more than him (the 12-15b estimates you often here quoted as Gospel), and two, that the ENTIRE wealth of Abu Dhabi is backing City (the 500b-1trillion estimates). The first assumption may be true but no one can verify it and the second is ludicrous. If you trust the IMF (which personally I do not) then the value of all the Sovereign Wealth Funds in Abu Dhabi (ADIA, InvestAD, Mubadala [CEO=Khaldoon Al-Mubarak, Chairman=CP], IIPC (Chairman=Shiekh Mansour) + all their oversees investments) is $323b. To say that City have this much money is like saying if Hu Jintao (President of China) bought a club then they have $2.4trillion because that is the amount of China's reserves! The $323b IMF figure or whatever the real amount is, is Abu Dhabi's money and like I said in a previous post if any of that money was spent on City a lot of Emirati's would be very upset (it would be like our tax money being spent on a foreign club like Lazio)!

That helped an awful lot mate, and hopefully you can stick around and answer a few more questions about the structure, and in particularly, any predictions about the role of Al-Mazrouei would be excellent.

I can only speculate but either Al-Mazrouei takes over from Khaldoon Al-Mubarak (who has more important things to take care of) or he is added to the team. It is very important for Sheikh Mansour to have people who he can trust around him and this appointment may be nothing more than that. Also remember that although these guys are extremely rich, they hate people wasting their money, they spent a lot on City because they were assured by Hughes/Cook/Marwood or whoever else that they would get results (i.e. Champions League Football).
hbruz80,many thanks for these very informative posts,
this is what coming on forums is about for me..learning information about city which you would get from m.e.n , ect.
stick around bruz.
Just to add my non-ITK slant on this.

I have posted previously that I have some good business contacts in the Middle East, Dubai mostly.

One of the most common comments i have heard from Dubai and Abu Dhabi nationals is that we really have fell lucky with the owners as no other Arab Royal, no matter how junior, would now buy into English footie as a mark of respect as well as a desire not to compete.

One person also made the point that the Pompey deal has gone wrong in part because the real money in the Middle East dropped its interest in any form of involvement on the nod from more senior people in Dubai - they didnt want to be seen to be extravagant with the current financial troubles for that Emirate and also for the reason above.

It seems we are the luckiest club on the planet considering when we were bought and by whom.
An interesting rumour at the time of the takeover, is that we were negotiating with DIC before the Sheikh came along. I have no doubts that the little one upmanship game that Abu Dhabi and Dubai seem to have going on had some sort of influence on the takeover.

Thanks for another post hbruz80, there aren't many of us here who are sure about how the UAE works as a political, economic and power structure thus your posts are really helpful.

It would be a crying shame to see Khaldoon move on, as many City fans have great respect for his intellect and passion. His interview on the main site gave a reflection of the type of man he is, and it is probably my favourite interview of all time on the OS. He comes across as a really classy guy.

So is Khaldoon's family not part of the original ruling elites then? How did he get involved with the Sheikhs? I wasn't aware that he was the 'poster boy' of Abu Dhabi, it's nice to think that Sheikh thinks enough of a small personal investment to ask him to take on the Chairmanship.

I would imagine that Cooke would be thought of quite highly after jumping on to the sword over Hughes' departure to keep the reputation of the owner/Chairman intact. Even so, perhaps the Sheikh is bringing this guy in as a replacement for Cooke and not Khaldoon? He has worked on Al-Jazeera FC's board before, so knows how to run a football club.
tolmie's hairdoo said:
DontLookBackInAnger said:
I thought Umbro were taken over by Nike only a few years ago, long after Kenyon moved on?

That's correct, but these sportswear guys all piss in the same pot, don't they?

Kenyon negotiated the massive Chelsea shirt deal with Umbro, so clearly retained allies after he quit many years before.
Kenyon an chelsea stitched Umbro up by dropping them to sign a mega deal with Adidas.
chelsea had the umbro kit long before Kenyon left the scum to head to the bright lights

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