Shooting at Mandalay Bay Resort (Las Vegas)

They would if you went to prison if they did not hand over their guns. (see Australia).

The boring gun lobby "Americans are too stupid to find a solution" argument is seen so often on here. The sad truth is that don't want to. They don't really care about Sandy Hook, Orlando, Las Vegas.

Americans = stupid and selfish.
As I say, fuck them. Don’t pray for them. Do t feel sorry for them. They made their bed and they should fucking lie in it.
As I say, fuck them. Don’t pray for them. Do t feel sorry for them. They made their bed and they should fucking lie in it.
Well said! Now everybody can go back to their own problems and not worry about us distgusting idiots
There's still gun crime in Australia. If I've looked at it right, guns aren't banned there, just machine guns. Just stricter gun ownership.

Gun related deaths in Australia 0.93
Gun related deaths in America 10.54

Gun related mass murders in Australia since 1996 - 2
Gun related mass murders in America in the last 270 days - 270+

Americans are fucking stupid.
Gun control, it's too late... who in their right mind is going to give up their guns now. Not many I guess.
There's no way that 'most' Americans would ever hand over their guns

And Slave owners didn't want to hand over their slaves. They really did have God on their side too. Maybe a couple of shoot outs involving actual military level gun nuts on the receiving end of fire, would move the debate along a tad.

Most of the militias are god fearing, evolution denying, rapture enthusiastic Christians. A few objectives could be achieved here.

A reduction in the mad bastard gene pool. People being sent to their maker who they just pray to for a reunion everyday. How can that be a bad thing?

If congress pass a law and they break it, they are enemies within. Or does democracy only count when they win?

Pass the law and take them on. Trump is spending a heck of a lot on the military, give them something to kill without all the travel and language problems we encounter by invading other places. If you refuse to obey a law that prevents removing military class weapons from killing your fellow citizens and you get violent you deserve all that should be thrown at you.

Job done.
Haha, those fucking liberal gun control wanting hippies

Get with the times -- the hippies are all dying off. They've been replaced by tweakers, who are the same except they take showers less often and have more sores around their mouths. They are the consumers for the meth Idaho produces, so I'd think attacking SF would be self-defeating.

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