Shooting at Mandalay Bay Resort (Las Vegas)

It's from youtube and watch the video and discredit it, because it doesn't come from one of your "Trusted" sources doesn't make it invalid. If it's too truthful for you then get a hanky.
It says Infowars in the bottom right corner.
What makes you think they're lefties and why does it matter?
They're black supremacists exactly the same as the KKK just the black equivalent.
Don't know why everything has to be left / right with you.
You had me at having no truck with militias which is exactly the point. Nutters with guns are nutters with guns and they are not specific to one brand of politics or ideology.
Which is clearly why you said you thought the killer was more likely to be a lefty the other day. He was a nutter with a gun which is all that matters.
I am mocking stupid Americans who think that protecting the rights of Americans who have absolutely no other option but to hunt to eat (total number = 0) as a justification for gun laws that have resulted in 270 mass shootings in 270 days.

is that clear enough?

You don't believe that people in the Appalachia region of the United States who don't have electricity and running water don't hunt for their primary source of food?

And exactly where did I say it was justification for the gun laws.

You wrote that there is no reason for anyone ever to own a gun.

I gave you a reason.

I personally would love to see guns banned. So go fuck yourself with your false assumptions and your ignorance about the abject poverty that exists in many parts of the States.
You're ranting again WD but I am happy you keep up with my posting history. If it makes you happy and it keeps you off the streets then hey ho :)
You're ranting again WD but I am happy you keep up with my posting history. If it makes you happy and it keeps you off the streets then hey ho :)
Ranting was I?
Just drawing attention to the fact that you never miss an opportunity to have a go at supposed lefties however inappropriately.
Well, with that line of argument you may say the Slave owners had it right when they said,,well we already have millions of them and they make us a lot of money, so we want to keep them. Plus God says we can have them.

I get what you are getting at, but things that could use the same arguments that caused massive disruption, a civil war in America a prime example of removing a wrong no matter how difficult.

Removing all guns is not going to happen. Removing battlefield weapons surely is worth a shot no matter how hard fuckwits moan and threaten.

Say 100,000 Americans died in any risings by the gun nuts. That's bad, really bad, but if it prevents future head counts in excess of 30,000 every year forever then three years we have broke even.

I have no doubt people will die in any backlash against military spec weapons, but once the gun nuts who will kill for their God given right are dead, we move on.

Eggs and omelette, and if it's mostly bad eggs you are removing, everyone's an eventual winner, not least the American gene pool.
This ^
I don't believe that everyone who owns guns is a nut job.
I believe that because there will be a record of everyone who has bought guns it should be straightforward enough to put the owners in a position where their guns must be kept at their property and NOWHERE ELSE.
I don't see how it can be in any way acceptable to allow schools, shopping malls, sports stadia, concert venues or hotels as a battleground!

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