Shootings in Paris

ArdwickBlue said:
stonerblue said:
ArdwickBlue said:
Nice side step.

This thread has encompassed many subjects and has gone off on several tangents, all relating to the wider issues of the horrific incidents in Paris.

Several posters were discussing the shooting video. They were asking why the blood was placed there after the murder?, I don't know what it shows as I have pointed out several times to other posters and you, that "I have not watched the video".

Balti asked one poster "are you saying it's a hoax", attempting to shut down the discussion with another one of his famous one liners, implying governments don't lie to people. I was merely pointing out that sometimes they do and providing those interested in this subject some evidence of this.

There is a link with both of the Gulf Wars if not why did we go to war with Sadam post 9/11?. (Oh yeah WMD's launched against the UK within 45mins. Remember that?.)

If what you say is true about the "Gulf wars not having anything to do with the shootings in Paris". Then you must believe that this was an isolated incident and isn't related to any of the terrorism the world has witnessed since the war on terror(TM) started.

I think most of the stuff we have witnessed is part of a wider grand scheme. Whether that is an organised terrorist group plotting against all of us in the west. Or a few disgruntled people who are disenchanted with the way the world is run and are prepared to kill as a result. It is probably both. I have only pointed out terrorism isn't exclusive to Islam. We have had other terrorist groups such as the IRA, ETA, Irgun, Lehi etc. who are not Islamic but have also engaged in terrorist acts and murdered innocent people.

The IRA we all know about and have experienced their brand of terrorism.

Since 1968, ETA has been held responsible for killing 829 people, injuring thousands and undertaking dozens of kidnappings. The group is proscribed as a terrorist organization by the Spanish, British, French and American authorities, and by the European Union as a whole. This convention is followed by a plurality of domestic and international media, which also refer to the group as "terrorists". More than 700 members of the organization are incarcerated in prisons in Spain, France, and other countries.

Irgun outlined "a future Jewish state" (is that any different to what ISIS are doing now?) they even killed british soldiers (sounds familiar doesn't it?). This was one of their mission statements:

"The God of Israel, God of Hosts, will be at our side. There is no retreat. Liberty or death.... The fighting youth will not recoil in the face of sacrifices and suffering, blood and torment. They will not surrender, so long as our days of old are not renewed, so long as our nation is not ensured a homeland, liberty, honor, bread, justice and law." (sounds straight out of one of those Islamic terrorist videos). Obviously they got their wish, Irgun members were absorbed into the Israel Defense Forces at the start of the 1948 Arab–Israeli war.

Lehi ("Fighters for the Freedom of Israel – Lehi"), initially sought an alliance with Fascist Italy and Nazi Germany, offering to fight alongside them against the British in return for the transfer of all Jews from Nazi-occupied Europe to Palestine. Believing that Nazi Germany was a lesser enemy of the Jews than Britain, Lehi twice attempted to form an alliance with the Nazis. During World War II it declared that it would establish a Jewish state based upon "nationalist and totalitarian principles".I think that speaks for itself but me not being Jewish or Islamic it sounds too similar to what we hear today. Again they also killed British people in their campaign. Israel granted a general amnesty to Lehi members on 14 February 1949. In 1980, Israel instituted a military decoration in "award for activity in the struggle for the establishment of Israel," the Lehi ribbon. Lehi was formally dissolved and integrated into the Israeli Defense Forces on 31 May 1948, its leaders getting amnesty from prosecution or reprisals as part of the integration.

Former Lehi leader Yitzhak Shamir became Prime Minister of Israel in 1983.

Not one crazy Muslamic nut job in sight.

Great post.

If somewhat off topic!.


Not in my house.
west didsblue said:
stonerblue said:
ArdwickBlue said:
If somewhat off topic!.


Not in my house.

Perhaps you could explain the relevance of the post to the Jihadist murder of some cartoonists then?

Relevant or not you've debated it every step of the way. So you're as much to blame.

Back on topic, did you see the piece on the One Show earlier?, it was Mancunians from the Jewish and Muslim communities coming together against terrorism. Both speaking of the need to be tolerant, understanding and respectful of all people and how terrorism effects us all.

Looking at it from both sides should always be at the centre of reasoned debate.
ArdwickBlue said:
west didsblue said:
ArdwickBlue said:
Nice side step.

This thread has encompassed many subjects and has gone off on several tangents, all relating to the wider issues of the horrific incidents in Paris.

Several posters were discussing the shooting video. They were asking why the blood was placed there after the murder?, I don't know what it shows as I have pointed out several times to other posters and you, that "I have not watched the video".

Balti asked one poster "are you saying it's a hoax", attempting to shut down the discussion with another one of his famous one liners, implying governments don't lie to people. I was merely pointing out that sometimes they do and providing those interested in this subject some evidence of this.

There is a link with both of the Gulf Wars if not why did we go to war with Sadam post 9/11?. (Oh yeah WMD's launched against the UK within 45mins. Remember that?.)

If what you say is true about the "Gulf wars not having anything to do with the shootings in Paris". Then you must believe that this was an isolated incident and isn't related to any of the terrorism the world has witnessed since the war on terror(TM) started.

I think most of the stuff we have witnessed is part of a wider grand scheme. Whether that is an organised terrorist group plotting against all of us in the west. Or a few disgruntled people who are disenchanted with the way the world is run and are prepared to kill as a result. It is probably both. I have only pointed out terrorism isn't exclusive to Islam. We have had other terrorist groups such as the IRA, ETA, Irgun, Lehi etc. who are not Islamic but have also engaged in terrorist acts and murdered innocent people.

The IRA we all know about and have experienced their brand of terrorism.

Since 1968, ETA has been held responsible for killing 829 people, injuring thousands and undertaking dozens of kidnappings. The group is proscribed as a terrorist organization by the Spanish, British, French and American authorities, and by the European Union as a whole. This convention is followed by a plurality of domestic and international media, which also refer to the group as "terrorists". More than 700 members of the organization are incarcerated in prisons in Spain, France, and other countries.

Irgun outlined "a future Jewish state" (is that any different to what ISIS are doing now?) they even killed british soldiers (sounds familiar doesn't it?). This was one of their mission statements:

"The God of Israel, God of Hosts, will be at our side. There is no retreat. Liberty or death.... The fighting youth will not recoil in the face of sacrifices and suffering, blood and torment. They will not surrender, so long as our days of old are not renewed, so long as our nation is not ensured a homeland, liberty, honor, bread, justice and law." (sounds straight out of one of those Islamic terrorist videos). Obviously they got their wish, Irgun members were absorbed into the Israel Defense Forces at the start of the 1948 Arab–Israeli war.

Lehi ("Fighters for the Freedom of Israel – Lehi"), initially sought an alliance with Fascist Italy and Nazi Germany, offering to fight alongside them against the British in return for the transfer of all Jews from Nazi-occupied Europe to Palestine. Believing that Nazi Germany was a lesser enemy of the Jews than Britain, Lehi twice attempted to form an alliance with the Nazis. During World War II it declared that it would establish a Jewish state based upon "nationalist and totalitarian principles".I think that speaks for itself but me not being Jewish or Islamic it sounds too similar to what we hear today. Again they also killed British people in their campaign. Israel granted a general amnesty to Lehi members on 14 February 1949. In 1980, Israel instituted a military decoration in "award for activity in the struggle for the establishment of Israel," the Lehi ribbon. Lehi was formally dissolved and integrated into the Israeli Defense Forces on 31 May 1948, its leaders getting amnesty from prosecution or reprisals as part of the integration.

Former Lehi leader Yitzhak Shamir became Prime Minister of Israel in 1983.

Not one crazy Muslamic nut job in sight.

Another random post unrelated to the topic under discussion.

You appear to be ignoring the fact that the majority of the victims were journalists whose only "crime" was producing a cartoon of Mohammed. Please explain what that has to do with the Gulf war or the founding of the state of Israel.


The poor, ignorant, servile fools. Pretending they know anything about God and his or her intentions for this freakish offshoot of monkeys and consoling their fear of death with silly fairy tales. Guess what, you daft bastards? This is it and it's all there is. This is what we're given, the third rock from the sun. A bountiful orb with enough to sustain us all and to support efforts to explore the cosmos. Instead of shooting and blowing each other up, how about we all get together and stop embarrassing our species.
I don't know why people are arguing about the gulf war of the 90,s ,wasn't the invasion of Iraq in 2004 enough evidence that how governments lie ? Get it through your head that war is an industry which benifs the few,think about it,has Iraq invasion helped the economic situation of an ordinary man in states,UK ,or West I'm gernal or terrorism? And the answer is a big no ,for all we know it has gone worse and keeps on Detroiting ,we live in a fucked up world period run by bankers and war mongers
Citizen in Pakistan said:
I don't know why people are arguing about the gulf war of the 90,s ,wasn't the invasion of Iraq in 2004 enough evidence that how governments lie ? Get it through your head that war is an industry which benifs the few,think about it,has Iraq invasion helped the economic situation of an ordinary man in states,UK ,or West I'm gernal or terrorism? And the answer is a big no ,for all we know it has gone worse and keeps on Detroiting ,we live in a fucked up world period run by bankers and war mongers
Balti said:
ArdwickBlue said:
west didsblue said:
Another random post unrelated to the topic under discussion.

You appear to be ignoring the fact that the majority of the victims were journalists whose only "crime" was producing a cartoon of Mohammed. Please explain what that has to do with the Gulf war or the founding of the state of Israel.



Is that to visualise how outnumbered I am?, I don't play up to the crowd anyway. Unlike you.

BM's laziest poster strikes again. Haven't you got anything intelligent to say?.

Didn't think so.
Gaylord du Bois said:
Citizen in Pakistan said:
I don't know why people are arguing about the gulf war of the 90,s ,wasn't the invasion of Iraq in 2004 enough evidence that how governments lie ? Get it through your head that war is an industry which benifs the few,think about it,has Iraq invasion helped the economic situation of an ordinary man in states,UK ,or West I'm gernal or terrorism? And the answer is a big no ,for all we know it has gone worse and keeps on Detroiting ,we live in a fucked up world period run by bankers and war mongers

Mate is tha the only thing you picked up,could have been 03 ,04,05 for that matter but the reality is the same

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