Silva our best ever player

Farzyy said:
jay_mcfc said:
BoyBlue_1985 said:
Hmmm im not sure, i think Aguero will improve next season as hard as it is to believe. I dont think Aguero has a had a truly great game yet and is still ripping the shit out of the prem.

I agree with that. In fact I'd go as far to say he's barely played to 60% yet.

Silva is without doubt the best player we've had in a generation. Long may it continue, unlike all these threads saying the same thing over and over ;)

Silva is top top top class! Great player and such a gentleman

yep makes things look so easy.
stumpy_mcfc said:
The youth of today - just no respect. Mr Bell, King or Sir but not Belly :-)

I am here: <a class="postlink" href=",-6.447839" onclick=";return false;">,-6.447839</a>

HAHA, I find it insanely funny you have streets near by called "The Drive" and "The AVenue". Hilarious..
As someone old enough (old fart ) to witness both players - i would say its so difficult to compare , but as a previous poster said the King did it consistently over 10 years n more - AND had a greater goalscoring record/threat. I still put the King as number 1 , However I have not seen a player so good and dominate at TODAYS level , in a blue shirt than Silva -- in an era that has moved on remarkably since the 70s n 80s he is undoubedtedly the best player i have seen in a blue shirt - at thisCHAMPIONS league level - that i have ever seen in 40+ years to even compare with the King.
David Silva is our best player since "Nijinsky". Of that I've no doubt. But Colin Bell as has been said, did it over a longer period, for club and country. And to be fair there are things Bell did that Merlin will never do. Different era's that's true. But Colin Bell really was the complete package. An absolute steal from Bury, at £45,000.
AdamManCity said:
I know he hasnt been here long and it is too early to say but in terms of talent and ability rather than what he has done for us so far is he the best player we have had? I am not quite old enough to have seen Colin Bell play but I have heard he was a Gerrard type box to box player so different position to silva and so hard to compare but have also been told that silva is the better player technically but needs a few more quality seasons under his belt before he can be called our best player. Is this correct or was Bell better than silva will ever be? All I can say is that silva is the best player I have seen in a city shirt and needs a song fast to show him our appreciation!

BELL was the best player City ever had. Even IF there was a dispute about ball juggling skills comparisons, facts are Bell scored goals. Oh yes, AND did everything else better than anyone else too.......................I've seen both.<br /><br />-- Thu Oct 13, 2011 9:51 pm --<br /><br />Silva needs to; score more goals like a centre forward, head the ball like a centre forward, tackle like a centre half, be a leader of men, run like a winger & never stop, and do so for years for both club and Country - then come back and compare them............................
nobody can eat fifty eggs said:
Kinky on top form was better than Silva in my opinion. That was the problem though, as brilliant we all know Kinky could be he could go missing in some games. Silva has not shown this and if it came to a straight decision on who to put your trust in to perform consistently, it would be David. Bell was a different player all together and cannot b compared.

I always thought Kinky was a great player to watch....but not a great player. Yes he had the skills, but at times it was like he was out there on his own. Silva has a got the vision and awareness that Kinkladze lacked, he may not be able to do a 30 yrd dribble ala Kinky but he will destroy teams far more often, which in my opinion makes him a better player.
I never saw Bell in the flesh so don't fell I can make judgement, you can never tell how good a player really is from TV.

Silva is also doing a good job of converting my nephew into a blue, should be completed by the end of the season
King Colin by a country mile!

Not only the best player I have ever seen at CITY but the best player ever to play for either Manchester club.

Law, Best, Charlton... Not fit to clean the Kings boots.

I even named my son after him!

Having said that Silva is the best since Bell and that is no disrespect to Kinky or Barry Conlon!

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