sky - are we about to be docked six points?

As far as Im aware ,if they go into administration they are docked points. If they are forced to shut down then all their matches are deemed to be a 3-0 loss regardless of actual result. So technically those who have dropped points against them will gain.
What I dont understand is when they received transfer money for Kaboul and Begovic why did they use the money to pay players rather than HMRC?
The Premier League will bail them out at the last minute if it doesn't go well. It would damage the premier league for years to come if they went under and all results would be null and void.

I'd imagine if they did the premier league would recoup that money by not giving them any of the parachute payment?
stony said:
Prestwich_Blue said:
Pompey are hoping for 28 days adjournment but they are playng a dangerous game. I don't see why anyone would buy them now when you could buy them much cheaper if they go into administration.

Aren't people listening ? They are not going into admin they are being wound up. Effectively closed down for good.

Yes, we're listening mate. The point is that they may be able to stave off the winding-up order if they do some kind of deal with HMRC - that may involve going into administration. I'm no expert on these things but as much as I'm aware that HMRC can be totally ruthless in these kinds of situations, there may however be some room for negotiation providing certain guarantees can be made.
Surely they can only dock points from a club by means of a 'penalty' ....... and we , or anyone else , who have already taken points off Portsmouth have done little wrong .

Surely they will make Portsmouth play the season out now , whether they 'fold 'or not , maybe with a Premier League cash 'grant' in place ..... or even allow their remaining opponents the points as the various league games unfold?
black mamba said:
Surely they can only dock points from a club by means of a 'penalty' ....... and we , or anyone else , who have already taken points off Portsmouth have done little wrong .

Surely they will make Portsmouth play the season out now , whether they 'fold 'or not , with maybe a League cash 'grant' in place ..... or even allow their remaining opponents the points as the various league games unfold?

No if they fold they cannot continue to trade as a football club and meet the Prem requirements so their record this season will be wiped out, it will effectively become a 19 team, 36 game season.
There appear to be a number of people not listening or paying attention at all.....

bbcsport said:
So Portsmouth face a High Court winding-up hearing at 1130 GMT which could result in the club's liquidation, or the club entering administration

Right. So, in 15 minutes the hearing.
If the club cannot appease HMRC in paying up what they owe (they will accept a down payment and a payment plan as I've experience with a number of companies trying to avoid admin at the moment and owe the revenue money....)
then the judge..remember the judge will decide if he feels it is in the best interest to wind down Pompey. I can't see it.
He will allow them to go into administration. Which isn't necessarily a bad thing for them. In admin the big creditors get 'burnt off', but it is of course the administrators who have to run the company, either run it as a going concern, find a buyer, run it into the ground, sell things off to recover debts, etc etc.
HMRC are causing all manner of bother at the moment, it's merely scaremongering, if they make an example of one company they think that they will frighten everyone else into paying up their tax bills.
They don't win and the public purse doesn't win, so it's not in anyone's interest for them to be doggedly pursuing companies like this.
They should have been put into adminstration months back when they failed to pay there players on a number of times. I am waiting to be payed out on this bet and they are hanging in there. Just take the docking of points on the chin and I will take my winnings.

As for being dock points no chance for City. Pompey will play the remainer of the season if they try and kick them out there will be problems. Look at there results they are still fighting for points. The other teams to play them should have to play them and not just be given the points let them win it on the pitch. If they dock points on the teams that have already played them and won there games against them they will protest over the docking of those points.
I don't think some City fans realise what is going on here.

Porstmouth have already exhausted future monies, TV revenue, the lot.

The Premier League would set a very dangerous precedent by using cash to bail them out - it would open the floodgates for further mismanagement at clubs.

The FA Rules clearly state results against a team going bump would become null and void. We and United would be hurt the most by a very long stretch.

Portsmouth have taken the piss for as long as they could get away with it, unfortunately you can't take the piss out of the tax man - and an Inland Revenue that is trying to recoup every penny it can in the current climate.

Portsmouth fans aren't crying on TV because of threat of administration and ten-point penalty deduction. They fera the vesy worst.

They owe clubs millions in unpaid tranfer fees.

That FA Cup win has come at a sad cost.

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