sky - are we about to be docked six points?

I seriously cant think of a better way for the PL to look the most amateurish of joke organistaions than by invoking a rule that would see a team gain up to 6 points and a higher position position due to the fact they lost a game or even two.

And conversely another team drop down the table and lose points for actually beating a team once or in our case, twice.

This can not be allowed to happen and im sure the FA/PL will understand the complete negativitivity in invoking such a rule. They need to be prepared for the very worst kind of backlash should this happen.
Do they own Fratton park? Could that not be sold to developers to pay off debts and see em through to the end of this season? Then the people of Portsmouth can have a Tesco and some nice flats next?
Really hope they sort something out. Not just because it will benifit us, but there a traditional football club that means so much to the cities people.
Townsend and Parry have just mentioned this on Talksport and said that us losing 6 pts if the club are wound up is a distinct possability.

Looks like the FA have found a way of keeping the Sky 4 as it is!!

The decision has been adjourned until 2pm.
stony said:
Prestwich_Blue said:
Pompey are hoping for 28 days adjournment but they are playng a dangerous game. I don't see why anyone would buy them now when you could buy them much cheaper if they go into administration.

Aren't people listening ? They are not going into admin they are being wound up. Effectively closed down for good.
You picked the wrong target mate. I'm one of the few that does understand the situation. Yes the hearing is to issue a winding-up order but they were hoping for it to be adjourned for 28 days. In that time, if they can't sell the club or otherwise improve the situation then they would presumably choose to go into administration (which keeps them running and protects them from their creditors) rather than be wound up (which puts them out of existence). They can make that choice at any time before the winding-up hearing. However, you have to have a reasonable claim that, free of your debts, you are a viable business before you can go into administration (and I would imagine that they are, but at the cost of vicious cost-reduction).

Clearly they would want to do neither as even administration would be embarrassing for the PL (& that useless arse Scudamore, plus they've zero chance of avoiding relegation. In that event, virtually everyone would have to go and they'd need to pretty well start again. But Scudamore (and the club owners) would rather some knight in shining armour came along to rescue them, pay everyone off and make everything in the garden rosy, then he can continue to make his ridiculous claims that the Premiership is a great brand and clubs' debts are a normal part of business and quite manageable.

If they go into adminitration then they get a ten point deduction and no one else is affected. If they go into liquidation during the season then every club will be treated as though they hadn't played them so either everyone would get 6 points or none at all. There would be murder if the latter occurred, plus the reputational damage to the Premiership would be horrendous, so I can see them being kept going until the end of the season.
leighton said:
If that happends which it wont there will be murder from the teams that have won both games. Arsenal , Rags and City are all battling for the top 4 they cant take the point off us.

Our legal team would have a fucking field day with them!! Bring it on amatuer FA/Prem
leighton said:
If that happends which it wont there will be murder from the teams that have won both games. Arsenal , Rags and City are all battling for the top 4 they cant take the point off us.
Possible repercussions:
- United miss out on the league as a direct result
- Arsenal finish 4th and lose their CL qualifier
- City miss out on the CL

And that's not even getting into the bottom of the table. If the PL allow this to happen, there will be hell to pay.
Cardiff and Southends winding up orders have been adjourned for 28 days. I expect the same for Portsmouth.
goose72 said:
Do they own Fratton park? Could that not be sold to developers to pay off debts and see em through to the end of this season? Then the people of Portsmouth can have a Tesco and some nice flats next?

They own it, but have secured borrowings from the guy who took over last week on it. So I would guess that a part of the problem is that the owner has no incentive to put in more money to keep the club going and ensure he gets his loans back, because he can just repossess the stadium instead.

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