I guess that depends upon your version of wrongdoing versus legal blame. Legally denouncing the actions of the police, both on the day and afterwards, doesn't negate the actions of those in attendance.
Nothing funny about Hillsborough.
I was there on Saturday. Don't recall Hillsborough being said, do you? As for professional victimhood, I'd say that is accurate, wouldn't you? Or did history only start and end at Hillsborough?
How do you feel about booing a player who is lying prone on the ground after a full force, studs up, straight legged kick in the face? Or, hose claiming it was Ederson in the wrong for coming out and lowering his head?
BTW, all questions are rhetorical, as I know my feelings on each of them and I'm not sure you can change them.
Take care and I'm glad your f-i-l is OK.