Smoking ....yes again

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A Blue said:
As a non- drinker I think they should also ban alcohol in the ground. I hate standing near someone who has had a drink and breathes in my direction. The smell stays on my clothes all day. And who knows what its doing to my liver with the secondary fumes.
I think they should also ban candles on birthday cakes. The foul smell of wax is an abomination. I have spoilt many a kids birthday by dousing them in water. Serves the little buggers right.
Also those Catholic priests waving that insence around. Ban the holy crap out of them.

As an ex squaddie the only thing that kept me sane was a ciggie. If there was another war, it seems that most on this thread would rather report the smoker to the TaliBAN than be grateful to the bloke trying to protect them.

"Yes , I know those nasty nazi,s are firing loads of bullets at us, but would you mind taking that fag outside please. "
Your same old comeback deserves another in return.

If you were dying in a desert, would you have a drink to save your life or a cig? I only drink spirits so I couldn't care less if they banned rat's piss at the game.
smoking is terrorism. Al Qaeda havent killed as many innocent people as smokers (or the British army for that matter)
so wind your neck in action man
There was a guy who'd brought his young son, probably about 6 years old, in front of me yesterday and directly in front of them was a fat pillock constantly lighting up and acting like he was the dogs dangly bits. The guy ended up picking his son up and walking off with about 15 minutes left of the game.

I think on the spirals at our place is fine but in a toilet is just plain inconsiderate towards other people. I'm a non-smoker but accept that a lot of people do smoke and I don't kick up a fuss but them toilets were awful yesterday. I personally don't want to smell that and I'm sure plenty of others, especially those with kids, don't want to either.
il padrino said:
smoking is terrorism. Al Qaeda havent killed as many innocent people as smokers (or the British army for that matter)
so wind your neck in action man

I'm a non smoker mate but this is way over the top!
The amy exercise on Salisbury Plain and the RAF fly over the lake district, should these also be made no smoking areas because people work there?
Hot air rises, smoke is hot air, the spirals are well ventilated, Derby County have a place outside the ground wired off for smokers to polute other smokers at half time, why can we not have some sence in this and allow those that find watching City stressfull and a ciggarette a way to reduce that stress a place where they can do that withoutit effecting those that dont want to breathe in the pollution?
Banned Tosspot said:
A Blue said:
As a non- drinker I think they should also ban alcohol in the ground. I hate standing near someone who has had a drink and breathes in my direction. The smell stays on my clothes all day. And who knows what its doing to my liver with the secondary fumes.
I think they should also ban candles on birthday cakes. The foul smell of wax is an abomination. I have spoilt many a kids birthday by dousing them in water. Serves the little buggers right.
Also those Catholic priests waving that insence around. Ban the holy crap out of them.

As an ex squaddie the only thing that kept me sane was a ciggie. If there was another war, it seems that most on this thread would rather report the smoker to the TaliBAN than be grateful to the bloke trying to protect them.

"Yes , I know those nasty nazi,s are firing loads of bullets at us, but would you mind taking that fag outside please. "
Your same old comeback deserves another in return.

If you were dying in a desert, would you have a drink to save your life or a cig? I only drink spirits so I couldn't care less if they banned rat's piss at the game.

I would rather have a three course meal, followed by a cigarette. Asking silly questions ? My turn......Would you rather meet an aggressive smoker outside a pub or an aggressive spirit drinker. Oh and the NHS would probably cease to exist if it wasn't for the amount of tax taken from ciggie smokers.

I don't smoke at the games, I can go without for a couple of hours, as i'm sure those that enjoy a pint or a short could do.
drama queens?? some of us actually care about our health/how we smell/sexual performance

maybe the boys who are shacking up in toilet cubicles are smoking something a bit 'meatier' and using cigarettes as a smokescreen (excuse the pun) :)
A Blue said:
Banned Tosspot said:
Your same old comeback deserves another in return.

If you were dying in a desert, would you have a drink to save your life or a cig? I only drink spirits so I couldn't care less if they banned rat's piss at the game.

I would rather have a three course meal, followed by a cigarette. Asking silly questions ? My turn......Would you rather meet an aggressive smoker outside a pub or an aggressive spirit drinker. Oh and the NHS would probably cease to exist if it wasn't for the amount of tax taken from ciggie smokers.

I don't smoke at the games, I can go without for a couple of hours, as i'm sure those that enjoy a pint or a short could do.
Same old boring argument. The law is there for the smokers to go on, if they don't then they get what's coming.
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