Smoking ....yes again

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I went for a smoke and there was loads of blokes pissing in there,the noise and smell was shocking!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I had to go outside to taste my Benson and Hedges Very inconsiderate
bluepeter62 said:
Dhenry said:
As a smoker, I do at times feel like I'd like a cigarette during half time or so, but I agree, no fucking way should people be allowed to smoke within the stadium, whether it be seats, aisles or toilets.

get a nicotine patch or something...

As a non smoker I really do think that they should allow it on the spirals. After all its out in the open.

this is what i say too, but move them down a bit away from the toilet doors so people dont have to waft through smoke to have a slash.
Ninety minutes without your drug? I really do pity these people.

They only do it to be anti social so piss on them in the bogs >> big fights >> clubs sort it out once and for all.
I thought this problem was bad at matches in Scotland but yesterday was the worst i have seen.Found it funny though fans having a fag and a bottle of beer in the toilets.
Matches in Scotland you can get lifted for having a drink on the bus,train,inside or outside of the ground.
chazmcfc wrote:
francis henry lee you are now officially the biggest cock on the forum. congratulations,
bastard, thought i had the biggest cock on here, oh well just have to go and stretch it abit more
smokers are selfish scum who ultimately drain NHS resources, and damage the health of superior, considerate people.
i personally would lure them to the top of the spirals, under the impression they have been allocated a section to commit their crime, then throw them off.
i think it is fair for smokers to smoke on the spirals too, tbf i see smokers doing it anyway and im not bothered by it, when i was younger i did, used to cover my nose and all lol, i just tend to ignore it, personal choices so i dont know why people are so fussed, yes make a fuss if its in the queues for the pies etc but not if we are in open air, said:
It is legal to smoke on the spirals (As said at the Points of Blue meeting 30th April 2009, included in the minutes of the meeting from the City v bolton programme) but the club wont let anyone smoke there. It makes sense to let people go there to smoke rather than ignore a problem and let them cram into toilets but they wont let people do this?

Apart from that whats the point of talking about this? Plebs, twats, lepers, etc. etc. all the usual shit for smokers, but I guess that so long as your insulting smokers its not against the CoC to be insulting and offensive so thats ok then :)

If any of you actually wanted the smoking issue sorted out you'd have found the same information I did and pursue dialogue with the club to get things changed for the better of everyone, smokers and non smokers alike. Instead you just sit on your high horses calling people names and pretending your better because you dont smoke.

I aspire to one day reach your perfect level of life. Anyway that day is not today and Im off for a cig, take it easy :)[/quote]

I actually think that is not the case.
the law also states that it is illegal for anyone to smoke within the workplace and as the spirals are within the turnstiles they are the workplace and not a public place.
ergo it is illegal to smoke on the spirals and if any employee puts in a complaint the club would probably find they face severe finds and put their licence at risk. ultimately people smoking could end with the ground being closed.

having said that as a non-smoker I have a no real prolem with smoking anywhere in the grounds
but I have with all these rules whether it is no smoking,swearing.drinking or even singing muncih songs we already have too many rules its a game for working class people who enjoy these sorts of things

i think you're right. coms is council property and the council has a no smoking regulation covering all its property. i believe even the forecourt and approaches are technically also no smoking areas because of this regulation although i can't imagine anyone being stopped.
As a non- drinker I think they should also ban alcohol in the ground. I hate standing near someone who has had a drink and breathes in my direction. The smell stays on my clothes all day. And who knows what its doing to my liver with the secondary fumes.
I think they should also ban candles on birthday cakes. The foul smell of wax is an abomination. I have spoilt many a kids birthday by dousing them in water. Serves the little buggers right.
Also those Catholic priests waving that insence around. Ban the holy crap out of them.

As an ex squaddie the only thing that kept me sane was a ciggie. If there was another war, it seems that most on this thread would rather report the smoker to the TaliBAN than be grateful to the bloke trying to protect them.

"Yes , I know those nasty nazi,s are firing loads of bullets at us, but would you mind taking that fag outside please. "
Any ex smoker will tell you that it stinks and they can't stand it. It's only smokers who seem impervious to how awful their habit is to people who don't partake.

Now I don't mind admitting that I absolutely adore my own farts, the smellier the better. I'm thinking of taking a beaker to matches so I can catch a humdinger hot from the anus and release it right under the nose of an unsuspecting smoker. Fairs fair, they aren't even full of carceogenic chemicals, just tiny particles of my shit.
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