So is it all over?

Silvotelli said:
As a young City fan, I stand by my club 100%. We can still, and in my eyes we will, beat the rags for the title...
Silly boy. Another person completely under-estimating our opposition. We will probably lose to Arsenal and Newcastle, who have both excellent home records. As for beating the Rags, we will most likely be losing at least 0-2 at half time, leaving us with a mountain to climb to even reach parity. So long as we keep second place, it will represent a good season..
monty silva said:
One draw by them and it's all still to play for, whatever the media try and spin they are grinding out results without playing well, they were one bad decision away from dropping 2 points against's not over yet
Yep, and we're not.
ZZmaestro said:
Back in December we were fxxxxing 5 point clear with 15 games to go, and look at us now.

For me, Mancini and his staff have just shown their utter lack of proffesionalism.
They should have addressed the loss of Yaya, the crapness of Savic, the lack of form of David, and most of all, they shoudl have got ridd of that Tevez ****.

As many have stated before, compared to bacoon face, Mancini is not at the same level yet.
I don't know how he managed our physical preparation staff, but the lack of form the squad is suffering from those last three month is killin us, we just show no pace at all, and that, since the loss to chelsky.

This is the proof of abslolutely no end-game plan for the season by the managers.
The raggs started slowly, but at a steady rythm they went through their injury problems and don't stop packing points now.
Arsenal, the start of the season was a nightmare, but as the raggs, they are doing much better since January.

This is a squad and staff management problem that the Sheikh needs to sort out by this summer. Otherwise, next year will be just the same, no matter what if we buy the hole barca team.

Where do people get this idea that we`d be so much better off if Yaya hadn't gone to Africa?
League games were 5 wins and 1 loss while he was away, with that loss to Everton being the only league game this season where City have dropped points and Yaya hasn't been involved.
I'm afraid he's been as inconsistent as everyone else in a blue shirt this season.
2 seasons ago we finished 5th and last season 3rd on goal difference and this year we will finish 2nd which is making improvments slowly, so let's all keep the faith.
Onwards and upwards we go.
I mean this in an entirely loving way but... you blues who lost the hope must feel like a twat...for a split second. We can all celebrate now. Great day this.

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