So is it all over?

Back in December we were fxxxxing 5 point clear with 15 games to go, and look at us now.

For me, Mancini and his staff have just shown their utter lack of proffesionalism.
They should have addressed the loss of Yaya, the crapness of Savic, the lack of form of David, and most of all, they shoudl have got ridd of that Tevez ****.

As many have stated before, compared to bacoon face, Mancini is not at the same level yet.
I don't know how he managed our physical preparation staff, but the lack of form the squad is suffering from those last three month is killin us, we just show no pace at all, and that, since the loss to chelsky.

This is the proof of abslolutely no end-game plan for the season by the managers.
The raggs started slowly, but at a steady rythm they went through their injury problems and don't stop packing points now.
Arsenal, the start of the season was a nightmare, but as the raggs, they are doing much better since January.

This is a squad and staff management problem that the Sheikh needs to sort out by this summer. Otherwise, next year will be just the same, no matter what if we buy the hole barca team.
One big weakness for us is our system fluidity. It's just too fluid, we end up with players in positions where they are ineffective. I know that Richards can be a threat down the right, but how many times has he actually made an assist or scored considering the amount of times he bombs forward?

He can't cross, he doesn't really have the vision to pick out a pass, compare him with a real attacking full back like Alves or Maicon and you'll see that we're in a way playing a system that isn't best set for the players at our disposal. None of our fullbacks can cross, even Kolarov is hit or miss with them.

At times it may work, such as when you have Aguero as our ST and he drops deep, but you can't expect Dzeko or Balotelli to do the same as they aren't half as good as dropping deep as Aguero or Tevez.

The more I think of it, it looks a lot like Mancini chose a system and tries to fit the players to it, rather than choose a system to suit the players. If your going to have a fluid system, all the players have to be tactically away and determined and hard working to cover for each other or fulfill another players duty.

With the current players we have it would be better to be more solid and only grant one or two players that freedom to roam or drift such as Silva and Aguero.
If we don't beat the Arse, it's over. We ought to be good enough to do it but recent form says otherwise.
Pam said:
If we don't beat the Arse, it's over. We ought to be good enough to do it but recent form says otherwise.
Unfortunately I agree - but keep the faith, next year it will be ours
Jim Tolmie's Underpants said:
oakiecokie said:
Jim Tolmie's Underpants said:

Fuck me are those your undies with skiddies on `em ??

No - they're Mancini's.

"If we go eight points behind then it is finished," said Mancini - who saw his side draw 3-3 at home to Sunderland on Saturday.


Yes mate they probably are after last night.
Bluemanc1968 said:
IMO it is over! I can take solace in the fact that we have been the best team in the league for 80% of the season and those red cunts no it!!! what is disappointing is the way we have fell away Silva our magician has lost his magic fuck knows why probably due to the fact he has been over played but for me he was the difference between us and so many teams we beat his creativity has gone seems to get bullied more and more in games a shadow of the player that sent that fantastic pass through to Dzeko against the scum! Nasri not really been at the races until his recent performance against chelsea not blaming anyone in particular as it is a team game and you win as a team and fail as one but we have no ''engine room'' midfield! yaya seems to be struggling like fuck, fuck knows why Nigel is in the starting 11 is beyond me by all means bring him on if we are 3-0 up to break up play etc but not a player that creates fuck all starting games I fucking hate watching them cunts tonight had to turn the sound on mute as it did hurt hearing nearly every song the cunts sang was about us ''Bitter cunts'' would do the same TBH if I was in the same position but what they did do was they came straight out of the traps from kick off not this low build up bollocks! that piss can really knows how to drive the fuckers on what does do my head in is reading or watching things that our players fucking off here there and everywhere that needs to stop Mario fucking in Milan at such a crucial time of the season ageuro fucking about on motorbikes burning his feet etc whatever if true???? the whole media world seem to fucking hate us not that arsed with that IMHO other football clubs are just a load of jealous cunts due to our wealth and the media just stir shit up to sell news but so many things do not look right in our camp I really do like bobby but some of our players are taking the piss I hate those red cunts with a passion but they don't seem to have any fucking about like some of ours seem to get away with shrek being the exception oh and snort snort camel gob.

well there always next year! and this season sure beats the bollocks out of biting your finger nails to death seeing whether or not your going down or not!!

sorry for the long post!!!!!!

CTID since 76

Our medic burnt Aguero's feet by using excessive 'magic spray'.
fayeMCFC said:
Bluemanc1968 said:
IMO it is over! I can take solace in the fact that we have been the best team in the league for 80% of the season and those red cunts no it!!! what is disappointing is the way we have fell away Silva our magician has lost his magic fuck knows why probably due to the fact he has been over played but for me he was the difference between us and so many teams we beat his creativity has gone seems to get bullied more and more in games a shadow of the player that sent that fantastic pass through to Dzeko against the scum! Nasri not really been at the races until his recent performance against chelsea not blaming anyone in particular as it is a team game and you win as a team and fail as one but we have no ''engine room'' midfield! yaya seems to be struggling like fuck, fuck knows why Nigel is in the starting 11 is beyond me by all means bring him on if we are 3-0 up to break up play etc but not a player that creates fuck all starting games I fucking hate watching them cunts tonight had to turn the sound on mute as it did hurt hearing nearly every song the cunts sang was about us ''Bitter cunts'' would do the same TBH if I was in the same position but what they did do was they came straight out of the traps from kick off not this low build up bollocks! that piss can really knows how to drive the fuckers on what does do my head in is reading or watching things that our players fucking off here there and everywhere that needs to stop Mario fucking in Milan at such a crucial time of the season ageuro fucking about on motorbikes burning his feet etc whatever if true???? the whole media world seem to fucking hate us not that arsed with that IMHO other football clubs are just a load of jealous cunts due to our wealth and the media just stir shit up to sell news but so many things do not look right in our camp I really do like bobby but some of our players are taking the piss I hate those red cunts with a passion but they don't seem to have any fucking about like some of ours seem to get away with shrek being the exception oh and snort snort camel gob.

well there always next year! and this season sure beats the bollocks out of biting your finger nails to death seeing whether or not your going down or not!!

sorry for the long post!!!!!!

CTID since 76

Our medic burnt Aguero's feet by using excessive 'magic spray'.
I thought it was Aguero himself, or someone in his house, that applied the spray?

Aguero_Element said:
i think we will win it
Don't torture yourself; it's gone.
Silvotelli said:
As a young City fan, I stand by my club 100%. We can still, and in my eyes we will, beat the rags for the title. And even if we finish second, that's still incredible to me. I know City's unfortunate history. This has been an amazing year. For all the injuries and shitty calls against Balo, Vinny, etc., impressive year.

good post - plenty of referreeing decisions not gone our way this season - the luck will change maybe not this season but it will change and we will have the last laugh - the train is coming it cannot stop - I wanna be on it!!!!!
One draw by them and it's all still to play for, whatever the media try and spin they are grinding out results without playing well, they were one bad decision away from dropping 2 points against's not over yet

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