Social Media - is it really a good thing?

You get the odd good thing mate, of course you do , but it doesn't mean it's not evil and toxic most of the time.

i agree, I'm off it - but if the power of social media can help raise millions towards various charity's - that's a massive plus.
i agree, I'm off it - but if the power of social media can help raise millions towards various charity's - that's a massive plus.
It is for sure, but I do ask myself, at what cost ?
Facefuck in particular, It'd be interesting to see the positives in comparison to the negatives (which I highly doubt they'd ever do, or be able to), the negatives which have caused people to take their own lives, or attempt it, the ones who've been bullied mercilessly, the parents/children made to feel worthless because they can't afford to pay for the latest "2nd year of nursery Prom night" etc etc, for me mate, the negatives I've seen far outweigh the positives.
I don’t bother with FB or Twatter. I occasionally read Twitter posts on BM and end up reading the replies to a controversial post. It seems abusive, full of repetitive cliches and a bit juvenile.
I do use Linked In and have got my last two jobs from contacts on there. I don’t read or post blogs and I keep any conversation to a minimum. It is crawling with recruitment agents and it’s easy because your profile is easily accessible to them. If you create a good profile you end up in more searches and more views.
We're all brainwashed to try and out-do our peers. We judge it based on materialistic shite that doesn't really matter.

In reality, the people who're portraying these incredible lifestyles on social media are just as depressed and dissatisfied as the other 99% of people. It's just they're better on photoshop.

Trouble is people can run up huge debt trying to keep up with them.

The people that boil my piss are the so called influencers, those that spend ages getting the perfect shot of their food/house and then photoshopping it but people go yeah that’s reality. What was it Marilyn Monroe said? Something about they go to bed with Marilyn and wake up with Norma Jeane… the dream and the reality.

It’s the internet and you can be whoever and whatever you want to be Cinderella

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