Some info ive recieved.

Interesting stuff, thanks for sharing mate!

Let's hope Terry has the balls to hand it in and cope with the backlash, if he does it he's going to get a hammering in the press and the Chelsea fans will be going mental. Let's hope he can handle it/is willing too.

That's interesting about a creative midfielder, I wonder if that means Elano's gone. If Elano does go, bearing in mind it looks like we want at least 2 (good players) in every position we'll need someone creative as cover for Stevie Ireland. I can't see us going out and buying anyone amazing as I'dve thought we'd literally just want someone as a squad player....which players would be willing to do that I don't know.....Not in the same mold as Stevie but I'd Keegan style love it if we signed Alonso!
PabZab said:
Just by saying we'll say "We've heard it all before" doesn't mean it isn't true. We have heard all this before and you rarely contribute new names to the mix, either your comunicating with your source via pigeons or you're just agreeing with other ITKs.

Oh i rarely contribute new names? even tho i was the first on the board to say terry was our main target this summer and we where bidding for him?

fair enough?
if we got rid of elano, wouldn't mind someone like stephen defour. 21, creative vision n top skills. he'd be a solid investment

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